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Morning Joe panel mocks 'loser' Trump's 'disastrous campaign'


MSNBC's Joe Scarborough highlighted the contrast between the Democratic National Convention and Donald Trump's desultory appearance at a Pennsylvania factory.

The convention highlighted the party's past and future with an optimistic message, while the former president insisted that he and running mate J.D. Vance were not "weird" and then stood awkwardly for several minutes while a recording of Lee Greenwood's "God Bless The U.S.A." played, and the "Morning Joe" host marveled at the contrast.

"Donald Trump's own people are saying this is a disastrous message, it is a disastrous campaign," Scarborough said. "They even talk about his acceptance speech, the second half of his acceptance speech was a long, rambling diatribe. He had America there with him and completely let it go. That's their words, not the, quote, dominant media, ot the New York Times editorial page."

"That thing yesterday, I don't care who was covering it, that was just weird," he added. "What did I say? Insurrectionists, weirdos and freaks, man. I don't know where that fit on that scale, but that was just strange."

ALSO READ: Joke’s on Donald Trump as Democrats laugh at national convention

Co-host Mika Brzezinski pointed out the people standing alongside Trump at the podium appeared to be uncomfortable as the song continued playing for several long minutes, and panelist Donnie Deutsch said the Republican nominee continues to shrink as Kamala Harris gathers momentum.

"You know, he looks like a loser," Deutsch said. "He looks like he is going through the motions. The other thing, Joe, you and I talked about this last week, they say pivot to the issues. You don't have crime as an issue anymore, violent crime is down 24 percent. You don't have the economy. We don't have to tick off every metric of the economy which is going great, and even illegal border crossings were lowest since 2019 last month. They don't have these grand issues to sit behind. You have style and substance on the other side of the equation."

"More than anything, I want to go back to that word feelings," Deutsch added. "Feels like – I almost used the bad F-bomb. He feels like a loser, a loser, it feels that way."

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