News in English

In Your Town for Aug. 20, 2024



Employee injured
during alleged theft

A San Rafael woman was arrested on allegations she assaulted an employee and stole alcohol from a convenience store.

The employee was not seriously hurt in the incident, which was reported around 7 a.m. Saturday at the 7-Eleven store on B Street.

Sgt. Justin Graham said the suspect tried to steal merchandise valued at $150 several times over a 20-minute period and returned to the store after the employee escorted her out.

She allegedly bit the clerk’s hand. The suspect later swung a cardboard box full of cans at an officer who contacted her, Graham said.

Laura Nicole Escobar, 56, was arrested on suspicion of robbery, assaulting a police officer, resisting police, and being intoxicated in public. She was booked into Marin County Jail, where her bail amount was set at $75,000.

Suspect arrested
in auto theft case

Authorities in San Rafael arrested a suspect accused of driving a stolen vehicle and carrying the owner’s credit cards.

The incident unfolded after midnight on Sunday, when an officer saw a driver wearing a ski mask and rubber gloves traveling near Andersen Drive and Irwin Street.

The driver was speeding and had an expired vehicle registration, police Sgt. Justin Graham said. Police contacted the driver and learned there was a felony warrant for his arrest for alleged weapons violations out of Sonoma County. Officers also discovered the driver had methamphetamine and the the license and credit cards of the person who owned the vehicle, Graham said.

Matthew Aaron Lovette, 31, of Rohnert Park was arrested on suspicion of possessing a stolen vehicle, drugs for sale, burglary tools, stolen credit cards and drug paraphernalia. He also was arrested for allegedly violating probation and for the warrant.

He was booked into Marin County Jail, where his bail was set at $10,000.


New regional director
chosen for sanctuaries

Sarah Fangman has been selected as West Coast region director of the National Oceanic Atmospheric Administration’s Office of National Marine Sanctuaries.

Fangman, who was superintendent at Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary prior to the appointment, takes over for William Douros, who retired.

The regional office oversees 15,333 square miles of marine protected areas, including Cordell Bank and the Greater Farallones.

Fangman, a marine scientist, diver, 100-ton master captain’s license holder and a certified submersible pilot, holds a bachelor’s degree from Middlebury College in Vermont and a master’s degree in marine affairs from the University of Washington.

She will begin in her new role this fall.