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Decades of water testing continues near American Thermostat


SOUTH CAIRO, N.Y. (NEWS10) -From the 50s to the 80s, the American Thermostat Corporation dumped chemicals on its property. State officials say volatile organic compounds (VOCs) have caused decades worth of issues for the local water supply.

Contamination was first discovered by the Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC) in the early 80s. "So the initial step of dealing with the contamination on-site was construction of a water pipeline to provide clean water for local residents. That was completed back in 1992," stated Claudia Shuman, Remedial Project Manager for the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).

But that pipeline doesn’t reach all of Cairo's residents. People who live along Scotch Rock Road and in the Country Estates Mobile Home Park are still on well water. Those wells do have filters to treat the water. However, some say it's not enough.

"We buy water. We bathe in it but we avoid drinking it," said Alan Berg after living in the area for 50 years. "I don't know if the levels are getting higher or the situation is getting worse but it doesn't seem to be getting any better," added Willie Davis after living in the area for 15 years.

The latest testing shows no chemicals from American Thermostat in private wells. Back in 2023, the EPA said VOCs may still be under the factory and in its groundwater. Regular testing is done every three months near the property and in local wells.

To ease concerns, the owner of the trailer park is looking to hook into the Village of Catskill's water line with help from the EPA. "The numbers: the dollars and cents are really what people are most concerned about. We're hopeful that we are going to be getting some numbers from the State or EPA which I think most of the people in our community would be interested in," explained Jon Lois.

Local residents told NEWS10's Anthony Krolikowski they also have to vote on the matter in an upcoming meeting. The EPA will continue on-site sampling in late September.