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How can we eat our way to a better planet?

UCL researchers are tracking the environmental impact of food production on the environment to help industry and individuals make healthier and more sustainable choices. What action can I take?Have a look at the carbon footprint of your favourite foods.Pledge to take this action via the 'thumb up' icon- in the 'Pledge your action' boxto the right (desktop) or below (mobile).Inspire others by sharing this page and/or your pledge on social media. Use#UCLGenerationOne #COP26 #ClimateUCL @UCL @SustainableUCL.The average UK household spends some £3300 every year on groceries. And as environmental awareness grows, many people want to spend that money in ways that protect biodiversity and the climate. How can we do that?The picture is complex, says Carole Dalin, Associate Professor in sustainable food systems at UCL. “It's not as clear as some people might think. For a given product, its carbon footprint, or its other environmental impacts, can vary a lot depending on where and how it's grown...