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Eight tips to eat more sustainably

The planet is in peril, and it’s clear that we cannot restore it without transforming our food system.Here's how we can all make changes to our diet to help us eat healthily and sustainably, in a way which is good both for both us and for the environment. © Global Warming Images / WWF What we eat has changed the planet. Across the globe forests have been devastated to make space to rear cattle and to grow crops to feed livestock, while our oceans become barren as they are trawled and overfished.Food production is not only the greatest driver of wildlife loss, it contributes to climate change: about a quarter of global greenhouse gas emissions are associated with food. © Global Warming Images / WWF 1. Eat more plants Farming animals for meat and dairy requires space and huge amounts of water and feed. The livestock industry alone generates nearly 15% of all man made greenhouse gas emissions. With global meat consumption soaring 500% between 1992 and 2016, it is clear we need to rebalanc...