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Ex-Trump White House staffer shares change she says could sink his 2024 campaign


In 2020, Alyssa Farah Griffin served as White House Director of strategic communications under then-President Donald Trump.

But these days, Griffin is featured as a conservative pundit on CNN as well as "The View" and often criticizes Trump from the right. In 2022, Griffin said on "The View" that some of her pro-Trump relatives boycotted her wedding because she turned against him.

In tweets posted on August 19, Griffin argues that fatigue with Trump could hurt him in the 2024 presidential election.

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Griffin wrote, "If Trump loses there will be many reasons - but one I keep hearing from voters is simply 'exhaustion.' The 'Trump Show' appealed to many who were frustrated w/the Washington status quo & were willing to try something totally different."

2024 marks Trump's fourth presidential campaign and the third presidential election in a row in which he has been the GOP nominee. Griffin argues that U.S. voters may be simply growing weary of him.

"Trump is running for a 3rd time - & 4th if u count his soft run in 2012," Griffin wrote on X. "Many voters who liked his policies on the economy, border, etc are fatigued over the drama that comes w/Trump. His best case scenario w/these voters is they tune him out until Election Day & reluctantly vote for him."

Griffins' tweets came on the first day of the 2024 Democratic National Convention in Chicago, where President Joe Biden is expected to speak on opening night. Democratic nominee Kamala Harris' acceptance speech is scheduled for the last night of the convention.

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