News in English

I’m penniless after I found out I was working for a crook


DEAR DEIDRE: I turned up for work yesterday to find the gates locked and all the vehicles cleared out. I’ve been working for a crook.

I’m a man of 41 and I’ve been a driver for a small courier company for three years. The company was a new start-up and it was great. My colleagues were good and my boss was a nice guy.

After a while, the cracks started to show in the way the company was being run. The boss sometimes wanted to pay us in cash and sometimes he’d ask us to take a holiday as the work “wasn’t coming in”.

Then one of the men told me that our boss’s home had been raided by the police and they took phones and his laptop.

The rumours are rife that he was a drug dealer or at the very least, money laundering.

He said the police had returned them within a week but we can’t prove that was true.

Now this has happened. I can’t believe our place is closed.

I’ve got a wife and two young kids to look after and I don’t know how I’m going to get any money. I’m owed nearly a month’s pay.

I haven’t been given a redundancy letter, never mind a P45. Where can I go for help?

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DEIDRE SAYS: I’m sorry this has happened to you. You may not get a P45 but any new employer can ask for the relevant details about your finances and send it to HMRC for clarification.

Depending on what has happened to your employer, you can apply to the Government for any monies you are owed.

You can learn more details through the Government website link to start the process.
Acas has a free helpline (, tel: 0300 123 1100) and can help with any work-related issues.

My support pack called Help for Job Hunters will help you too.



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