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GOP kicks off DNC with ‘recycled talking points’ report


Top House Republicans kicked off the week of the Democratic National Convention by releasing a 291-page report that includes disputed claims alleging President Joe Biden committed impeachable offenses. President Biden will deliver a speech at the DNC in Chicago Monday evening. Republicans, who have spent well over a year and a half on their investigations have never been able to garner enough votes to impeach the President despite holding the majority. The report does not specifically recommend the House hold a vote on impeaching President Biden.

"The allegations rely heavily on bits of testimony that are disputed or undercut elsewhere," reports the right-leaning news outlet The Hill. "The report does not show President Biden directly received money from his family’s business deals or prove he changed any U.S. policies to aid his family."

The "long-awaited" report, authored by Oversight Chairman Jim Comer's committee, Judiciary Chairman Jim Jordan's committee, and Ways and Means Chairman Jason Smith's committee, is "unlikely to change a reality the party has faced for months: They don’t have the votes to impeach him," Politico adds, noting that the charges in the report, abuse of power and obstruction, are "the same charges that House Democrats cited in the 2019 impeachment against then-President Donald Trump — an inquiry frequently mentioned in the House GOP report."

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CNN's Kate Bolduan (video below) noted the report's release coincides "not coincidentally" with day one of the DNC. Her colleague, Marshall Cohen, on-air Monday commented: "after a year of digging Republicans didn't really move the ball all that much."

Cohen notes the report is "filled with very strong accusations and lofty claims," and added, "the Republicans still don't have the votes to impeach Joe Biden."

"It reads like a 'greatest hits' of recycled talking points. It's heavy on innuendo and circumstantial evidence, but it's light on proof."

Boston Globe columnist Scot Lehigh commented: "This was a clown show from the start; the leading clowns have now tacitly acknowledged as much by not recommending an impeachment vote."

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Former federal prosecutor John P. Flannery, who has frequently appeared on MSNBC, worked as a special counsel in the U.S. Senate under two Republican chairmen, and for the Senate Democratic minority during the impeachment proceedings of President Bill Clinton, weighed in on the House GOP's report Monday:

"Trump lap dog, No Jacket Jordan, and his bite the lip Hill flame throwers release an impeachment report today - full of sound and fury signifying nothing - coincidently on the 1st day of the Democratic Convention."

Watch CNN'S report below or at this link.

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