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Gardening expert shares common mistake which causes weeds to grow in grass & the free hack to get rid of dandelions


IF you want your lawn to impress your guests this summer, you’ve come to the right place.

And it turns out that many of us have been making the same mistake that’s causing weeds to grow in our grass.

Gardening experts have revealed the common mistakes people are making that are allowing weeds to grow in their grass[/caption]
Not only this, but they also shared their top tips and advice on how to banish weeds with barely any effort at all[/caption]
According to the RHS, you should hand weed your grass prior to mowing

So if you want a luscious green lawn that’s dandelion free, then you’ll need to listen up and take notes.

According to the Royal Horticultural Society (RHS), the more plants growing in your lawn, the more biodiverse it will be.

However, if you want to remove weeds, the experts revealed what you must do before mowing your lawn, which many people often forget.

According to the garden pros, you should hand weed your grass first and as a last resort, selective lawn weed killers are available.

The gardening gurus said: “Regular lawn care and physically removing unwanted plants is always the best step. 

“You can then decide how many you remove, potentially keeping some, and only target selected plants if they are getting too numerous.

“Try some or all of the following. Regular lawn care including feeding, aerating and scarifying your lawn will encourage the grass to be more vigorous, so it’s more difficult for weeds to get established in the first place.

“Remove rosette-type weeds, such as daisies and plantains, using a hand fork or weeding tool. 

“There are various designs of weeders, including some that can be used from a standing position, so you need to find whichever suits you best.

“They usually aim to help you remove the long tap-root of plants such as dandelions; if the root is left behind, the plant can often re-sprout.”

According to the gardening experts, it’s important that gardeners also rake and then mow their lawns regularly, to keep creeping weeds such as speedwells, clover, silverweed and sorrels, at bay. 

Not only this, but the experts also warned gardeners of another mistake which could cause lawn weeds to grow.

What is a weed? And why are they important?

Simply put, a weed is a plant that grows in an area or space you don't want it to.

Rebecca Miller, Fabulous’ Associate Editor, and keen gardener, explains why gardeners need to become friends with weeds.

“From nettles, buttercups, docks and dandelions – there are so many wonderful plants that are called weeds. And yet, as soon as the weather warms up, and we spend more time in outside, we want to pluck, pull and kill as many of them as possible, to make our gardens look perfect and pristine.

Weeds are essential to our ecosystem – many are pollinators, providing food to bees, bats, beetles, butterflies, moths and wasps. And without weeds, these animals wouldn’t survive past early Spring.

Weeds also give back to nature – when they die and decay, their roots break down, feed microorganisms and insects, and make pathways and tunnels for worms. Bountiful life below means plentiful life above.

Weeds are also brilliant indicators of soil health – which is important if you want to grow anything in your outdoor space. When microorganisms and insects break down weeds, they release essential nutrients into the soil that plants soak up. They also store nitrogen and carbon dioxide in the ground, creating cleaner air and removing greenhouse gasses from the atmosphere, mitigating the climate crisis.

“So before you pull out every weed in your garden, why not give a few of them a chance to grow and bloom, and see what enters your garden to enjoy the flowers…”

They added: “Avoid mowing the lawn very short, especially in the summer

“This can weaken the grass and lead to bare patches that allow weeds in.”

More weed hacks

MORE cheap hacks to banish weeds from your garden for good.

BRUSH OFF: Gardening fans have raved about the Rolson Weed Brush, which you can buy from B&M.

One social media user commented: “This is my new friend. £4 from B&M”, whilst a second agreed: “I used one of these too and it’s brilliant. It removes the whole weed too.”

BAKE IT: Gardening enthusiasts have also praised baking soda for tackling weeds.

One man explained: ”What will then happen is the plants will absorb it, as they get damp when it starts to rain because they’re thirsty – because it’s been sunny. That’s nature’s way of killing it.”

WASH THIS: According to Sam Marlow, a gardening expert, washing powder is an affordable way to say goodbye to weeds.

He advised: “If you’re on a budget, there’s a cheap way to keep weeds at bay. If you want to remove persistent unwanted plants from paths or patios, try using washing powder. It’s a super easy way to banish weeds once and for all.”

The shorter the blades, the less surface there is for photosynthesis and healthy development to occur. 

As a result, weeds are far more likely to appear if there are spaces on a thin lawn.

Lawns mowed at 3.5 or four inches out-compete weeds and look just as good as short-mowed lawns.

If non-chemical methods aren’t effective enough or suitable for your outside haven, you may wish to apply lawn weed killers.

It’s recommended that weed killer should only be applied in spring or summer, and it’s important that gardeners read the instructions before they begin.