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Funniest/Most Insightful Comments Of The Week At Techdirt


This week, our first place winner on the insightful side is an anonymous comment about the Governor who told students to “look the other way” if they are bothered by mandated postings of the Ten Commandments:

Funny how theocrats never practice what they preach. They refuse to simply “look the other way” when bothered by, say, a drag performance.

In second place, it’s an anonymous comment about the Australian feds spending boatloads of cash trying to manufacture terrorism charges against a kid:

And the cherry on the sundae…

…is that all the money, and all the time, and all the resources, spent on this profoundly stupid and viciously cruel exercise, were NOT spent on identifying and pursuing actual real live terrorists.

For editor’s choice on the insightful side, we start out with an anonymous reply to the first place winning comment:

No, they’re great at looking the other way when their bible tells them to feed children, show kindness to their neighbors and forgive debts.

Next, it’s That One Guy with a comment about Thierry Breton’s spat with Elon Musk:

Quite the trick, try to avoid doing it again

I didn’t think it was possible but congrats Breton, you screwed up so badly I’m forced to side with Elon ‘My brain hurts’ Musk, even if only for a moment.

If Trump says something illegal by all means go after him for that.

If hosting said illegal content is likewise illegal then by all means go after Elon for doing that if he keeps the content up after he’s been served with a court order pointing this out.

But threatening Elon for not having in place plans and tools to silence Trump if he says ‘harmful’ content(which to my knowledge is not the same thing as illegal content even if the venn diagram does have some overlap) just lets him rightly play the victim to his supporters, whether long term or very temporary.

Over on the funny side, our first place winner is an anonymous comment about Prince Harry pining for fictional days past when kids were under control of their parents:

Back in my day we just did drugs, lost our virginity at 12, and punched each other in the face until bones broke to show dominance.

The church kids were the ones who introduced fucking to the broader student body, for those wondering.

In second place, it’s an anonymous comment on our post about advertising executives saying Musk’s lawsuit against GARM makes ExTwitter an even less appealing place to advertise:

How could anyone (worth more than 200 billion dollars) know in advance that suing people for not wanting your service will lead to less people wanting your service?

For editor’s choice on the funny side, we’ve got a pair of comments from Pixelation. First it’s one more comment on that same post, this time in response to us saying that there isn’t, as Linda Yaccarino characterized it, a problem with a “root cause” of the system being broken:

Well, in this instance, Elon Musk.

Finally, it’s a comment on our post for this week’s episode of Ctrl-Alt-Speech, in which we asked Do Not Leave A Fake Review For This Podcast:

Fits perfectly and is super cute. I always get lots of compliments when I wear it.

That’s all for this week, folks!