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New Trump Shooting Records


Butler Police, District Attorney Release Shooter Photos, Police Trump Rally Security Preparations
FBI Refuses to Release Trump Assassination Records
Soros Spends $117 Million to Elect, Control Leftist County Prosecutors


Butler Police, District Attorney Release Shooter Photos, Police Trump Rally Security Preparations

We received four pages of documents from the district attorney’s office in Butler County, Pennsylvania, detailing the extensive preparation of local police for the rally at which former President Trump was shot.

Local Pennsylvania law enforcement has been more transparent about the Trump assassination attempt than the Biden-Harris administration, which is in full cover-up mode.

The preparation by local officials included sniper teams, counter-assault teams, and a quick response force.

On August 9, in response to a separate open records request, we also obtained bodycam footage of the July 13 assassination events from the Butler Township Police Department.

We received today’s records in response to July 26, 2024, Pennsylvania Right To Know Request for:

All records and documents related to President Donald Trump’s presidential campaign rally that was held in Butler, PA, on July 13, 2024, including but not limited to:

1) site security plans, risk or threat assessments, designation of security perimeters, plans for responding to suspicious activity or an active threat or attack, memoranda of understanding, or other documents establishing roles and responsibilities of federal agencies and state, local, tribal, and territorial (SLTT) law enforcement partner agencies, and associated chains of command.

2) All audio/video/photographic recordings captured on body-worn cameras or other electronic devices in your possession.

Please provide records from July 1, 2024, to present.

Included with the documents were two photographs of Matthew Crooks, the shooter, who was killed by law enforcement snipers.

On July 9th, at 10:17 p.m., Sgt. Edward Lenz, Adams Township Police Department, Mars, PA, emails Richard Goldinger, with a “cc” To William Mayhugh, with the subject: “Butler ESU Deployment” Request/ Presidential Rally 7 /13/24”. The email states:

Good evening Rich!

I just want to ensure you have the information and details regarding the request for Butler ESU to assist this Saturday at the presidential candidate rally:

Butler Twp PD and the US Secret Service have requested our assistance at the rally. I have had several discussions with the USSS, and as of today they are requesting assistance from us with providing sniper/ overwatch support, counterassault teams, and a quick reaction force. Our current plan is to provide 2 sniper elements, 2 mobile counterassault teams, and a quick reaction force.

    • The sniper elements would provide overwatch for the rally and would work in conjunction with the secret service counter-sniper unit.
    • The counterassault teams would be dedicated teams that would respond to and address an attack directed at the presidential candidate inside of the venue, whether it be a coordinated attack with multiple assailants, or a single attacker.
    • The quick response force would be dedicated to respond to and address any high-risk incidents occurring outside of the venue. They would not respond to civil disturbances – this would be handled by uniformed members of PSP. The QRF would assist PSP at the request of incident commander, and upon the approval of the ESU commander.

This will be manpower intensive, and Beaver County ESU and Washington County SWAT have agreed to supplement with manpower – Beaver ESU is going to send their armor with 6-8 operators, and Washington County SWAT is going to send a sniper element along with 3-4 operators. The request for assistance will be officially made through Region 13.Our current plan is to rally at 0900 for a briefing, and to be operational by 1100. As long as the timeline doesn’t shift, we should be releasing the assisting agencies by 1830, but I expect Butler ESU to remain operational until a majority of the farm snow grounds has been cleared.

We have a law enforcement walkthrough at the farm show Thursday at 1000 , and Bill is coming to that as well I believe.

As always, if you have any questions let me know, and I will follow up with more information should anything in our plan change!
Stay safe!

On July 9th, 2014, at 1:18 p.m., Lenz sends an email to Steven Bicehouse, with a “cc” to Kevin Mikulan, with the subject: “Region 13 Tactical Support Request”. The email states:

Good evening Sir!

Butler ESU has been requested to assist Butler Township Police and the US Secret Service at the presidential rally this Saturday, July 13 2024. Throughout my discussions with the USSS, they have requested we provide sniper teams and counterassault teams, as well as an additional element available outside of the venue. This will be manpower intensive, and I spoke with Pat Young from Beaver County ESU and Guy Kuzak from Washington County SWAT to ask for some assistance. Both offered to send a squad of guys with equipment to assist but asked that an official request be submitted for Region 13 assets.

I have never submitted a request for a pre-scheduled detail, and I’m not exactly sure what information you would need:

Date: 7/13/2024
Tactical Team Deployment Type: Dignitary Protection w/ counterassault and sniper deployments Event Details: Presidential Candidate Rally
Event Location : Butler Farm Show Grounds
Staging Location: 121 Sparks Ave, Butler PA 16001, Butler Township FD
Arrival Time: 0900
Expected End Time: 1830 (Region assets will be released as soon as it is operationally feasible, Butler ESU assets will expect to remain later)

Beaver County: Butler County ESU is requesting assistance from Beaver County ESU, specifically their armor asset, manpower, and tactical equipment as determined by operational needs.

Washington County: Butler County ESU is requesting assistance from Washington County SWAT, specifically with manpower and tactical equipment as determined by operational needs.

If you do need further information just let me know, and I will get whatever you need! Thank you!

We have more than 25 FOIA and open records currently pending on the shooting of Trump with the Biden administration and local and state officials and agencies in Pennsylvania.

Expect several FOIA lawsuits soon (see below!)


FBI Refuses to Release Trump Assassination Records

The FBI withheld information in our FOIA request about its coordination with the Secret Service regarding the July 13 Butler, Pennsylvania, rally at which former President Trump was shot.

In denying our FOIA request, the FBI cites FOIA exemption 7(A), which applies to information that “could reasonably be expected to interfere with enforcement proceedings”

Our request on July 26 asked for:

All records of the FBI, including emails, email chains, email attachments, text messages, video or audio recordings, photographs, drawings, outlook calendars, meeting minutes, finished intelligence products, bulletins, raw intelligence, threat products, correspondence, statements, letters, memoranda, reports, briefings, presentations, notes, summaries, or other form of record, regarding preparation and coordination with the USSS for former President Donald Trump’s presidential campaign rally that was held in Butler, PA, on July 13, 2024.  Please provide records from June 15, 2024, to present.

We are pursuing the next steps in preparation for litigation.

Were there others involved in the assassination attempt on Trump? If not, then why would the FBI use the excuse of protecting someone’s right to a fair trial to hide records on the FBI’s and Secret Service’s inexcusable failures to protect Trump from being nearly assassinated. The Biden-Harris administration is running a major league cover-up on the near assassination of former President Trump.

The Secret Service also recently refused to honor FOIA requests for information on the shooting.

(In July we filed a FOIA lawsuit against the Department of Homeland Security for records relating to an incident at Joint Base Andrews in Maryland in which a Secret Service agent assigned to protect Vice President Kamala Harris reportedly got into a scuffle with colleagues.

In June we received 116 pages of Secret Service records from the Department of Homeland Security that reveal the details about several incidents in which Secret Service personnel were bitten by President Biden’s dog Commander, sometimes requiring medical attention.

In October 2022 we sued the Department of Homeland Security for all communications of the U.S. Secret Service internally and with the Federal Bureau of Investigation regarding the raid on President Trump’s home and for any video or audio recordings made during the raid on August 8, 2022.)


Soros Spends $117 Million to Elect, Control Leftist County Prosecutors

One reason our streets aren’t safe is the soft-on-crime prosecutors supported by George Soros. Our Corruption Chroniclesblog reports.

In a scheme to promote a radical leftwing overhaul of the U.S. justice system, billionaire George Soros has spent about $117 million in the last few years to elect then control dozens of liberal county prosecutors throughout the nation, a new report reveals. Once elected the prosecutors, typically known as district attorneys who represent the government in criminal cases, meet regularly with representatives from Soros-funded nonprofits that coordinate and manage the chief officials responsible for upholding and enforcing the law in their respective districts. The Soros machine orders prosecutors to practice leftist policies that are soft on crime, target police and political opponents. The district attorneys are also directed not to enforce certain laws such as those protecting children from chemical castration and genital mutilation, procedures justified by the left as “life-saving gender-affirming” for transgender individuals.

The extraordinary details of the robust Soros effort to overhaul the nation’s justice system by embedding leftist prosecutors throughout the country were uncovered during a year-long investigation by the Media Research Center (MRS). Dedicated to documenting and combating the falsehoods and censorship of the news media, the Washington D.C.-based group examined thousands of pages of documents that show a “shocking level” of control by the Soros-funded nonprofits over many county prosecutors. “The Soros machine sets their policies and priorities, staffs their offices with hand-picked leftists, dictates media narratives, lobbies government officials and perverts the American justice system,” the MRC probe found. The investigation determined that the Soros enterprise dedicated at least $40 million to help elect 126 prosecutors and an additional $77,663,316 to the leftist nonprofits that issue their marching orders once they are in office.

MRC used public records requests to obtain 7,785 pages of internal communications from dozens of Soros-backed prosecutors and examined official files as well as electronic mail, text messages, chats, and other communications. The documents expose how the Hungarian billionaire’s groups directed the liberal prosecutors to manipulate laws involving drugs, abortion, illegal immigration, election integrity, capital punishment and even childhood sex changes. One of the key groups directing the local prosecutors is Fair and Justice Prosecution (FJP), a nonprofit committed to promoting a justice system grounded in fairness, equity and compassion. “Great strides have been made in promoting justice reforms that recognize that prior ‘tough on crime’ and incarceration-driven practices have not always resulted in safer or healthier communities,” according to FJP. The group is a sponsored project of the Tides Center, another Soros-funded conglomerate dedicated to advancing social justice. “FJP held at least 51 private meetings and published 33 formal statements and pledges that contained signatures from prosecutors within its network between 2021 and 2022 alone,” the MRC report states.

Examples include 508 communications—emails, virtual meetings, in-person conversations—between San Francisco District Attorney Chesa Boudin’s office and FJP during an 18-month period, averaging at least one communication a day. Five county prosecutors in Texas worked so closely that they created a shared group chat to strategize on refusing to enforce statutes that ran afoul of their leftist political views. Combined, the elected officials represent over seven million Texans and the documents reviewed by MRC show they strategized to undermine political opponents, including the state’s Republican attorney general. “At least 30 percent of the U.S. population currently lives under the boot of the Soros prosecutors who were pressured to sign pledges vowing to adhere to various Soros priorities,” the report says, adding that the “Soros machine” arranged dozens of joint statements and pledges signed by 123 of the 126 prosecutors vowing to adhere to the leftist billionaire’s priorities.

Besides embedding like-minded county prosecutors nationwide, the records obtained by MRC show that Soros also spent at least $35 million to support anti-police groups and causes in one year alone after George Floyd’s death. His beloved FJP defended the violence and racial unrest triggered by the Black Lives Matter (BLM) and Antifa movements, accusing the American criminal justice system of being systematically racist. Soros’s Open Society Foundations (OSF) also dedicated $220 million for racial justice and black empowerment in the aftermath of Floyd’s death.


Until next week,

The post New Trump Shooting Records appeared first on Judicial Watch.