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From Bible bucks to legal debt, Trump's financial disclosure is wild


On Thursday, Donald Trump released the financial disclosure forms required of candidates to comply with election campaign laws to the Office of Government Ethics. Those forms show that Trump drew his income from a number of sources—from peddling Bibles to putting his image on trading cards to the hefty fees charged by his golf facilities. They also show that Trump still owes a large amount from legal settlements that he has been in no hurry to pay.

These documents are not as detailed as the tax forms that Trump promised to release, then refused to release, and which were finally released in part by the House Ways and Means Committee. Still, at over 250 pages, there’s a lot of information and it may take days before analysts and accountants have put together everything revealed in this document.

What can be seen from even a casual glance is that, while Trump might not be as wealthy as he claims, he has more than enough income to pay his legal bills, donate to his campaign, and keep up even the most lavish lifestyle. In other words, all the begging he did to get other people to fund his legal expenses was a flat-out scam.