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Fox Yakkers Scream About Phantom Unemployment Under Kamala Harris


Fox and Friends opened their program feigning outrage on the upcoming speech by Kamala Harris where she will discuss her economic plans.

The New York Times' headline as usual catered to the MAGA cult, saying her speech would be light on details.

When has Demented Donald ever given people any sort of details on any business plans? He just delivers vitriolic promises.

Donald Dump has had the last four years to hone and fine tune any economic policies he wants to share, but in that time all he's given us is grievances, and childish nicknames. Yet. F&F expects VP Harris to have a fully detailed economic package just after a couple weeks of becoming the Democratic nominee for president. Worse yet, they're going to project her economic package out and predict disaster, because why not? They're Fox News, it's what they do.

Brian Kilmeade and the couch, (not JD's lover) were furious over price gouging as he defended the mighty corps against ridicule.

KILMEADE: Blame corporations - not only is it inaccurate, but it creates tension in society now. You're gonna go into that guy with the smock on or a pocket protector and say you're the reason I can't pay my bills?

JONES: So the part that I also don't understand is that when you talk about how things are bad right now one of the talking points from the administration is that the recovery from COVID.

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