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Q&A with Jan Akkerman


Exclusive Interview by Karen Beishuizen
Photos courtesy of Jan Akkerman

Jan Akkerman is a Dutch guitarist who was voted the best one in the world by British magazine Melody Maker in 1973. He gained international fame with Focus from 1969 – 1976 where he recorded a number of breakout albums; ‘Focus Plays Focus / In And Out Of Focus’ (1970), ‘Focus II/Moving Waves’ (1971) which reached the album chart in the UK #2, Netherlands #4 and #8 in the US going Gold. This album spawned the mega-hit ‘Hocus Pocus’ which reached #9 on the US Billboard Chart, #12 in The Netherlands and #20 in the UK singles chart and the song has gone on to appear on numerous TV shows such as “Top Gear”, “Saxondale”, “Skins”, “Supernatural”, “Vinyl”, “My Name is Earl” and “Shameless” as well as the 2007 film “Hot Fuzz”, 2014 remake of “Robocop”, 2017 “Baby Driver” and numerous TV advertisements including Nike.

KB: Did you always want to be a musician growing up?

As far as know I never thought about it, I just presumed it was the only way, funny enough.

KB: Who were your musical heroes as a kid?

My father and mother took me to the Grand Cafes and even to the Gypsy camp where various bands and orchestras were playing which gave me lots of inspiration.

KB: You first played accordion and then changed to guitar?

Yes, as a child I was influenced by the accordeon ,especially the French chanson which my mother loved but also the New Year concerts from The Viennese Concert Hall where I listened with open ears to Strauss, Offenbach, Lehar, but also Wagner and a lot of Italian composers, everything non R&R and later a lot of guitar music be it Classical or Country & R&R.

KB: How would you describe the music your band Focus created?

Fusion at its core, especially the Electric Guitar.

KB: In 1973 the readers of the UK magazine Melody Maker voted you the best guitarist in the world. That’s quite a honor. How did you react to that?

I still don’t know what to make of that but I feel grateful and honored. As far as I know they are still looking for the best one in magazines.

KB: For people who are not familiar with the instrument: What is a lute?

The lute comes from the East and especially the Arab world. It’s called the OUD and almost sounds the same as the Lute. The OUD didn’t have frets so later they had frets on them made out of gut and had the measurement and tuning designed years earlier by Pythagoras, a Greek mathematician in 570 BC….. probably on a Wednesday…

KB: How was the creative process of your album “Close Beauty”?

It was made after a long preparation in the studio of a friend of mine in the middle of the countryside between the cows. There is also a reference to the cows that if you stand 5 centimeters from a cow, you also don’t see that it is a cow. I associate that with “close beauty”.

KB: If you could make an album with 7 of your most favorite songs, not your own, what would you pick?

“Can’t Help Falling in Love” – Elvis
“Sit on my Face” – Monty Python
“Eine Kleine Nachtmusik”- Mozart
“Pathetique” – Beethoven
National Anthem of Russia – Alexander Alexandrov
Bach’s Complete Works
“La Chanson des Vieux Amants” – Jacques Brel

KB: Are there currently people you would love to collaborate with or wished you had?

I would have loved to work with Amy Winehouse but alas…

KB: Is there a music genre you simply don’t like?

I never liked the Tiroler Holzhacker Bub’n Music bcause it’s a little too optimistic, I had my fair share of yodeling in the Focus days and enough is enough.

KB: What are you currently up to?

Just enjoying Life, Family and playing Music.

Check out Jan’s website: HERE

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