News in English

8 Creative Ways to Get Your Art Brand Noticed Online — The Museum Creative

How do you increase your online presence as an art business?Tricky question, I know. ????In the ever-evolving digital world, it's become challenging for artists to grab attention. Let alone hit the big time, with about 20% of small businesses failing within the first year!But don't worry: content marketing is here to help.It's the BEST approach to get your art brand noticed online (70% of marketers wouldn't be actively investing in it otherwise).That’s because through engaging, quality content that resonates with your target audience, you:Educate them about the value of your work and products.Nurture a sense of community around your art brand.Build long-lasting relationships and loyalty with your leads.Generate conversions and sales.Cool, right?From leveraging your website - and blog - to building your email list, using social media channels, and collaborating with influencers and other artists, numerous ways exist to take advantage of strategic content marketing to boost exposure.In toda...