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Trump faces new lawsuit threat from politician who dated Kamala Harris


Donald Trump recently told a helicopter story that the New York Times rated as false. Now, the subject of the story is considering suing Trump.

Trump said at a Mar-a-Lago press conference, "I know Willie Brown very well." He added, "In fact, I went down in a helicopter with him. We thought maybe this was the end. There was an emergency landing.”

The problem is that Brown himself, an ex-California politician, says it never happened.

“You know me well enough to know that if I almost went down in a helicopter with anybody, you would have heard about it," Brown told the New York Times shortly after the claims made by Trump at the Florida press event.

While Brown has previously confirmed that he did, indeed, date Vice President Kamala Harris, he has denied other claims by Trump, such as that Brown holds ill will for Harris.

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Trump has threatened to sue the New York Times for their article on the subject, but Brown said in a recent interview that he's considering the same, according to Newsweek.

"Former San Francisco Mayor Willie Brown said he would consider suing former President Donald Trump in an interview with CBS News this week," the Saturday article states. "His comments come amid a continued struggle over whether the two endured a treacherous helicopter ride together—something the former President and current Republican presidential nominee says did happen, but Brown says did not."

According to reports, Brown said, "Somebody has got to make sure that he stops lying... If he keeps it up, at some point, I'm going to give him a taste of his own conduct. If he sues the New York Times for printing that I said he lied, I'm going to sue him."

Read the full article here.