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This is No ‘Honeymoon.’ The Media and Harris Are Allies.


What some are calling the media’s “honeymoon” with Democrat presidential candidate Kamala Harris is nothing of the sort. It is an alliance. ABC, CBS, NBC, PBS, CNN, MSNBC, the New York Times, the Washington Post, and most national pollsters are, to put it mildly, anti-Donald Trump.

Those who claim the honeymoon will end are living in the past…. That mainstream media no longer exists.

Most of them have pushed a narrative that Trump is a threat to democracy, an autocrat who likes the world’s other autocrats (especially Vladimir Putin), a racist, a misogynist, anti-gay, a white Christian nationalist, etc. These are the same media outlets that pushed the phony Russia Hoax and who cheered when Democrats launched impeachments and local and state Democratic prosecutors fulfilled their campaign pledges to “get Trump.”

And the media “honeymooners” are joined by social media platforms that have censored Trump supporters and censored Trump. Thanks to Elon Musk, Twitter (now X) has broken from the anti-Trump pack.

These are the same media outlets that promoted and protected Barack Obama in 2008. They are the same media outlets that concealed President Biden’s mental slippage for more than three years, only relenting when Biden’s debate performance exposed their previous efforts to protect him from scrutiny.

Alliance With Harris Is Strong

With Kamala Harris, these media outlets have a candidate that checks all of their cherished boxes: she would be the first female president, the first black female president, the first black-Asian female president. And, of course, she is a leftist who shares the mainstream media’s worldview. She may not be as smart as Obama, but she checks more ideological boxes than even he did.

Even Donald Trump has fallen for the “honeymoon” analogy. The Hill reports that Trump predicted that Harris’s honeymoon period would end eventually. No it won’t. The mainstream media fell in love with Obama in 2008, and they have fallen in love with Harris in 2024.

They were, of course, willing to conceal Biden’s cognitive impairment as long as they thought he could beat Trump. Once the post-debate polls showed otherwise, they (and their Democrat allies) ganged-up on Biden and forced him to end his candidacy despite the anti-democratic nature of the political coup.

Piers Morgan claims that Harris’ honeymoon will last about a week. He’s wrong. The New York Post noted that “Kamala Harris’ so-called ‘honeymoon’ in the polls shows no signs of stopping … ” Axios says the Harris honeymoon is of “epic proportions.” Several Democrats, including Sen. John Hickenlooper, say “There’s no limit on a honeymoon,” arguing that Harris has “a lot of momentum … that’s going to keep up for a good while.”

Those who claim the honeymoon will end are living in the past — when the mainstream media still had anchors and political reporters who were somewhat fair and cared about at least appearing to be impartial. That mainstream media no longer exists. It ended when it became partisan cheerleaders for Obama.

Media Hates Trump More Than Nixon

Today, it doesn’t even attempt to conceal its anti-Trump venom. It is even worse than the anti-Nixon venom of the early 1970s that drove one of the most electorally popular presidents in history from office.

In Nixon’s time, the mainstream media had the field to itself. There was no internet and no “alternative” media to contest their narrative that Nixon was a “crook” who had abused his office. The late, great British historian Paul Johnson rightly labeled Watergate a “media putsch,” aided and abetted, argues Geoff Shepard, by a Democrat Congress, a partisan special prosecutors office, and a compliant judiciary.

Shepard’s evidence is detailed in a just released movie Watergate’s Secrets and Betrayals that every open-minded American should watch. Like Shepard’s books, it shreds the conventional Watergate narrative that the media has promoted for 50 years.

Make no mistake: the media’s “honeymoon” with Harris will last at least until Nov. 5.

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The post This is No ‘Honeymoon.’ The Media and Harris Are Allies. appeared first on The American Spectator | USA News and Politics.