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'Donald was terrified': Ex-Trump exec laughs recalling his 'bumpy' helicopter ride panic


During an appearance on MSNBC to talk about Donald Trump's claims about almost being a victim of a helicopter crash, a former Trump Organization executive claimed the former president was being overly dramatic recalling the incident while laughingly recounting how he reacted during the landing.

Speaking with MSNBC fill-in host Ali Vitali, Barbara Res, who has been a go-to source on the Trump Organization's inner workings after rising up the ranks over 18 years said she was on the flight and helped arrange it.

Res, who left her job with the future president because she was "unwilling any longer to take Trump’s explosive moods and turbulent treatment," said there was no threat that the helicopter was going to crash due to turbulence over the Hudson River.

As she told the MSNBC host, she saw the co-pilot of the private helicopter "pumping a device with all his might" before the pilot notified the passengers they would have to divert to a different landing spot.

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As she explained what followed, she started laughing at Trump's panic.

"I mean it wasn't like 'Oh my god, we're going to crash,' just we can't keep going," she recalled. "So we found the closest airport and he landed us and everyone was fine."

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"Donald was terrified and, after the whole thing was over, he was joking with Nate Holden, who happens to be a Black man, and he said 'Nate, you turned white,'" Res recounted. "Let me tell you something: Donald was really scared. I wasn't really that upset. I was more interested in watching everyone else's reaction."

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