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I tattooed a guy 20 years older than me then we fell in love – people think I’m only with him for his money


A WOMAN dating a man more than 20 years her senior reckons their age gap relationship has made her a better person.

Alexandra, 25, has been with Andrew, 48, for two years after he visited her tattoo studio.

The couple don’t mind their age difference at all.
Alexandra feels their love has helped her grow.
They met by chance after he visited her tattoo studio.

The Aussie pair linked up after his inking and have been inseparable ever since.

She’s experienced some stigma as a result of their different vintage – but insists they wouldn’t change a thing.

Alexandra told us: “I would say the best thing about dating an older man is the perspective and experience he has that has resulted in my own growth. 

“Andrew’s very calm and logical and that’s helped me have different outlooks on things and I can definitely see the impact he’s had.

“There’re many traits that I love about Andrew and I can’t say whether it’s because of his personality or age. 

“He’s very motivating of my own goals, I’ve picked up new hobbies from him and I believe he gives brilliant advice. 

“I’ve started studying and exercising, which I’m both enjoying, as a result of his encouragement for self-improvement.”

She added: “A misconception I disagree with is that people get into relationships with older men for financial reasons and that there’s a power imbalance. 

“I worked full time when I met him and had established my career.

“It happened by chance that he came for a tattoo, so those misconceptions don’t apply for us.

“I believe age shouldn’t be a factor.

“I didn’t date Andrew because of his age, we just happened to have strong chemistry and connected. 

“Advice I would give is don’t seek someone out for their age, if something is meant to work, it will.

“Ultimately, I’m very happy in an age gap relationship.

“I understand it raises scrutiny, but it works for us. 

“We have a very good understanding of one another and I find our differences, as a result of the age gap or not, compliment one another impeccably.”