News in English

10 Reasons Why You Should Buy a Yearbook.

March is here and now every day the school year is coming closer to an end. We can't help but to feel like in a blink of an eye, Summer will be here and we will once again have to say goodbye to our classmates and teachers. As time flies by so does the opportunity to buy a yearbook. Due to uncertain times, it has been a long time since our school did a yearbook. So, the PTA created one this year and has been non-stop promoting it. So why now? why buy it?"It's a great way to keep memories. We missed two years due to the pandemic and it made us sad not to have at least some memories, like a yearbook. This year we want to change things and give our students what we had when we were their age. " says SBMCS PTA president.We also asked a group of parents what they though about this? Most said they were excited and had already pre-ordered it.One parent said, she mostly wanted her daughter to have the book for memories and get it signed by her classmates just like we used to back when we ere i...