Contents1 Drops1.1 100%1.2 Unique1.3 Unique (on-task)1.4 Ancient statuettes1.5 Weapons and armour1.6 Resources1.7 Other1.8 Secondary1.9 Tertiary1.10 Wilderness Slayer tertiaryDropsThe following drop rates are provided by Jagex, unless otherwise specified.All revenants share the same drop list. Higher level revenants have a higher chance to drop a unique item as well as valuable common loot instead of coins. Wearing an amulet of avarice will cause all drops in the Revenant Caves to be noted.Note: This template shows the drop rates for revenant dragon by default if the combat level and/or hitpoints is not defined with parameter |combat= and/or |hitpoints= (including on this page).Average drop valueUnskulledSkulledUniques1,212.882,205.23Statuettes5,240.628,791.11Main drops29,308.48 (HA: 21,657.22)Blighted875.28TOTAL36,637.2641,180.11100%ItemQuantityRarityPriceHigh AlchRevenant ether2–24Always[d 1]348–4,176300–3,600^ Revenant ether is only dropped in even quantity amounts.UniqueThere is a...