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UN experts urge IOC to counter Taliban’s ban by supporting Afghan women athletes


UN experts have called on the International Olympic Committee (IOC)to support Afghan women athletes and provide them with resources.

On Friday, UN experts, including Richard Bennett, the organization’s human rights reporter for Afghanistan, said in a statement that the Taliban’s actions against women’s and girls’ sports are part of the group’s discriminatory and repressive measures against women, which could amount to crimes against humanity.

For nearly three years, women and girls in Afghanistan under Taliban control have been deprived of many of their rights, including the right to work and education, participation in sports, visiting parks, and travelling without a male guardian from their family.

They urged sports organizations to take action against the Taliban’s bans on women’s participation in sports.

UN experts stated that the Taliban’s prohibition on women engaging in sports is an unacceptable violation of their rights, and no other country has taken such action.

In this year’s Olympics in Paris, three female athletes and three male athletes represented Afghanistan. However, the Taliban announced that it does not recognize the participation of these Afghan women athletes in the Olympic Games.

They also stated that the horrific deprivation of Afghan women and girls from their rights and dignity, including in sports, must end.

The statement emphasized that “culture should not be used as an excuse to violate human rights, including cultural rights such as the right to participate in sports.”

UN experts said that international sports organizations have a responsibility to fight against the Taliban’s repressive policies and to support Afghan women athletes everywhere.

They welcomed the International Olympic Committee’s support for the participation of Afghan women athletes in these games but emphasized that more support is needed.

These experts further insisted that international sports organizations should refrain from any actions that might be interpreted as complicity with the Taliban’s discriminatory and illegal policies.

In the face of the ongoing oppression faced by Afghan women, it is imperative that the global community stands in solidarity to uphold the fundamental rights of all individuals, irrespective of gender.

The exclusion of women from sports not only undermines their personal freedoms but also weakens the broader human rights framework that the international community has worked to establish.

The continued advocacy and pressure from international bodies such as the UN and IOC are crucial in challenging the Taliban’s repressive measures.

It is through persistent and unified global efforts that the voices of Afghan women can be amplified, ensuring that their rights are not just acknowledged but actively protected and promoted.

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