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EXCLUSIVE: Viral video of woman claims phone password and camera content allegedly stolen 


LAFAYETTE PARISH, La. (KLFY) You may have seen the viral video circulating online where headlines read along the lines of ‘Husband hides a camera in the living room before leaving for work’ and display what he captures on camera.

Ebony Menard, the woman in the video, said she was a victim of cyberstalking and claimed video from her security camera was stolen and then posted online without her permission, allegedly by her ex-boyfriend.

“The way they edited the videos to make it look like I had men coming in and out of my house back to back as if I was some type of sex worker; they were labeling me as a sex worker," Menard said. "It's just not true at all. They're seeing friends come over to visit. They're seeing family come over with bags, and then they're just speculating that I'm just a sex worker.” 

Menard said her life has been in turmoil since this video was posted to Facebook over the weekend.

“It's been a rollercoaster ride," Menard said. "Every day I wake up hoping and praying that these videos won’t surface on the Internet anymore, and every day I wake up, I'm finding them. People are sending it to me. I'm getting messages on my Instagram, my Facebook about videos here and videos there and comments here and people going Live speaking about the situation.” 

She said the headlines made online were false. 

“I've never been married before," Menard said. "I'm single, and I'm not in a relationship, but the person who's given this false narrative of me is my ex-boyfriend. The camera was purchased by me, so he had no access to the camera and he basically hacked my camera to watch what I was doing in my home.” 

Menard was asked why her ex-boyfriend would do something like this.

“He sees that I moved on with my life," Menard said. "I'm great. I'm happy. Me and my son are thriving, and I think that's what he doesn't like. So he's just trying to hurt me in any kind of way.” 

Menard said she and her ex-boyfriend were together for about ten months before they separated in March. 

In the same month, she explained how he stole her phone and passwords. 

“In March, a couple of days before I moved out of the house, I was downtown with some friends, and he stole my phone from downtown and went all the way to our residence in Youngsville," Menard said. "He screenshots my passwords of everything in my phone. Screenshot messages from my family, and even harassing my family after I moved out. So that's how I know he had access to my email. With me moving, it slipped my mind to change my passwords to my email, we also shared a Cox account together, and the password was the same thing as my current email, which has changed now, of course, but that's how we got access to my camera system.” 

Menard decided to take action after the video surfaced online. She said she was informed by police the first step was to file a protective order against her ex-boyfriend. 

“I did that on Monday and today's Thursday he’s avoiding the deputy who's been trying to serve him all week,” Menard said. “Honestly, I really don't know what to do next. I mean, I really just want this to come to an end. I just want my life to go back to normal. I want my son to not be worried about starting school and being bullied because his mom's on the Internet and being called these different names.” 

“I just want to move on with my life, and I want the person who did this to pay for what they did to me and my family," Menard said. "This is defamation of my character, and with the profession I work in, it’s embarrassing for people to speculate things that aren't true.” 

News 10 reached out to the accused boyfriend, who stated that the allegations were not true and declined to add further comments. Lafayette police confirmed they have a report and are reviewing the case under what they called a suspicious circumstance.

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