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'Imploding on live TV!' Trump's press conference leaves many onlookers aghast


Former President Donald Trump held a press conference at his Mar-a-Lago country club on Thursday — and many viewers expressed shock at what they saw.

"Are we watching a mental breakdown in real time? What is going on," asked Chris Evans, a business owner and influencer with more than 250,000 followers on X.

The organization Republicans Against Trump agreed with Evans, posting that Trump was "imploding on live TV."

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"Trump's primary policy plank appears to be running on a Great Depression," observed national security expert Marcy Wheeler. "BREAKING: Trump admits he lost. Sort of. And people can't buy bacon."

She urged the New York Times to report such a headline.

Former Trump communications director Anthony Scaramucci observed, "Trump is frightened."

Former Republican and Bulwark columnist Tim Miller posted, "I gotta say once again I am just blown away by the work @LaCivitaC has done to bring discipline to this campaign. I didn’t think it was possible. But this Uncle Rico as an aggrieved ranting grandpa routine is pitch perfect. Laser focus on victory. Impressive."

"Oh my god, he is so rattled by Vice President Harris. The man is melting down over her crowd sizes," wrote writer and progressive activist Charlotte Clymer.

Georgia law professor Antony Michael Kreis caught a Trump comment in which he said that Georgia was the same as Alabama and South Carolina.

"His statement reveals that he doesn’t see the Atlanta metro area’s voters as legitimate, which he never has, because it is a center of Black political power in the South — a dynamic in Georgia that is fundamentally different than 'big margin' states of Alabama and South Carolina," he remarked.