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Mowing the lawn as good as swimming, shopping like a bike ride & other daily tasks that burn as many calories as the gym


YOU don’t always need to hit the gym to stay trim.

Watching sport can use up just as many calories as playing it, according to a study.

Find out which daily tasks burn the most calories

As we told you, boffins at Loughborough University found that physical reactions to viewing exercise can be just as beneficial for your fitness level as getting in a sweat doing a real workout.

Here, we look at the other daily tasks that will ensure you feel the burn.

Mowing the lawn

400 cals per hour

Opting to use a push mower builds strength and endurance[/caption]

TRIMMING grass is as good for you as it is for the garden, working your back, glutes, hips, core, hamstrings, triceps and shoulders.

Using a push mower builds strength and endurance and zaps calories from walking.

BURN MORE: Alternate using single arms to push.

AS GOOD AS: Swimming

Playing with kids

356 cals per hour

Playing with the kids can burn calories with high-intensity bursts[/caption]

JUMPING, playing chase, throwing, catching and even pushing swings work your body in high-intensity bursts.

The more active, the more kcals you use.

BURN MORE: Don’t rest to keep your heart rate up.



250 cals per hour

Driving is not so different to martial arts when it comes to being good for you[/caption]

DRIVING a manual car can boost hand/eye coordination through small and precise movements, like martial art tai chi.

Focusing on the road aids balance and concentration.

BURN MORE: Boogie to tunes in your seat.

AS GOOD AS: Tai chi

Have a hot bath

130 cals per hour

Having a hot bath can lower blood sugar levels[/caption]

EXPERTS found lying in a 40°C bath for one hour can be as effective as a one hour march, boosting core temperature and metabolic rate. It also lowered blood sugar levels.

BURN MORE: Keep hot water topped up.

AS GOOD AS: Power walking

Making beds

300 cals per hour

Making the bed can be as good for you as a brisk walk[/caption]

CHANGING the bed burns up to 75kcals in 15 minutes – or 300kcals for a family of four.

It matches a brisk walk or a zen yoga session as you stretch and bend.

BURN MORE: Iron sheets first to blast calories standing.


Washing the car

400 cals per hour

Washing your car can burn as many calories as an hour of rowing[/caption]

FILLING and carrying buckets, soaping, buffing and rinsing cars can burn 400 calories per hour.

That’s equivalent to rowing for 60 minutes.

BURN MORE: Squat to polish and buff the wheels.

AS GOOD AS: Rowing


300 cals per hour

The weekly food shop is a great way to get yourself moving and burn calories[/caption]

SHOPPING can burn as many calories as cycling as you’re always up and on the move.

Browsing aids stamina, balance, coordination and leg strength.

BURN MORE: Carry bags home to boost your upper body.

AS GOOD AS: Cycling