News in English

Is it just me?

Or has this pre season felt like it has dragged more than most?

The Norwich game feels like forever ago. We've had the distraction of the Euros in between and the excitement of some new signings. I'm ready to go again now, as I'm sure you all are too.

After watching the short documentary tonight, it struck me how unique we really are. We never do things the easy way but I wouldn't want to be a fan of any other club, I really wouldn't.

It's going to be a long season, tough at times and we won't have everything our own way but I feel as though we are all together again. Yes mistakes have been made (Rooney, season ticket gate) but we really are a special club and I can't wait for Saturday.

Fire up the bus, fire up the pig. Fire up everything you've got. Blues are back and gunning for the title.

KRO lad and ladies ????