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Minnesota’s Primary Election Is One Week Away: Far-Left Squad Member Ilhan Omar Can Still Be Removed from Office with Minnesota’s Open Primaries

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With the recent defeat of Squad members Jamaal Bowman and Cori Bush by primary challengers, attention now turns to other Squad members.

One such contest is the rematch between Representative Ilhan Omar and former Minneapolis Council Member Don Samuels in Minnesota’s Fifth Congressional District.

Two years ago, Omar narrowly defeated Samuels by less than 3,000 votes, but this time could be different. The stakes are high in Minnesota’s Fifth Congressional District, a seat that has long been held by Omar and her far-left agenda.

A major primary election will take place on August 13, where voters will choose candidates for various federal and state offices.

What makes this primary particularly significant is Minnesota’s open primary system. According to Ballotpedia, primary elections in Minnesota are open, meaning that voters can participate in the party primary of their choice, regardless of their registered party affiliation.

The winner of a primary election is the candidate who receives the greatest number of votes cast for that office, even if they do not win an outright majority.


Conservative activist Laura Loomer has urged Republicans to take advantage of this system.

“Minnesota has an OPEN PRIMARY on August 13th,” Loomer stated. “This means Republicans can cast a ballot for DEMOCRAT Don Samuels and still vote Republican in the general election for Trump.” Her message is clear: every vote counts, and now is the time for Republicans to make a strategic sacrifice for the greater good.

Loomer further emphasized that this is not just about party loyalty; it’s about removing representatives who align themselves with radical ideologies that threaten American values.

“Tell every Republican you know in Minnesota to vote Democrat in the open primary on August 13th so we can send Ilhan Omar back to Somalia or the front lines of GAZA where she belongs,” she urged.

She said, “Donate to Don Samuels. He needs a last-minute infusion of cash to defeat Ilhan Omar. Every GOP PAC should be helping Don Samuels over this next week target Independents and Republicans and asking them to vote for him in the Democrat open primary to remove Ilhan Omar. If you’re a Republican in Minneapolis, vote for Don Samuels instead of Ilhan Omar. Sacrifice your Republican ballot and vote for Democrat Don Samuels so we can keep up the trend of REMOVING Hamas loving Squad members from Congress. The primary is August 13th. We only have a few more days to make this happen.”

Royce White, the MNGOP endorsed candidate for U.S. Senate, echoed Loomer’s sentiments while clarifying voting strategies for his supporters.

“If you vote in that Democratic primary you can still vote for Trump in the general. Omar’s primary opponent Don Samuels only lost by about 2000 votes in 2022. I am in a statewide race to run against Amy Klobuchar.

If you’re not in CD5, vote for me in the Minnesota REPUBLICAN primary Aug 13th. PLEASE! DO NOT vote for me and Samuels if you’re in CD5, IT WILL SPOIL YOUR BALLOT.

I hope this clears up any confusion… This is a viable strategy. A message to the rest of the state, I am the MNGOP endorsed candidate. The Star Tribune calls me a far-right conspiracy theorist because I believe in borders, enough said. Trump Lives! Kamala and Walz are commies! Ilhan is OUT! Royce White for US Senate! The People Are Coming!”

The post Minnesota’s Primary Election Is One Week Away: Far-Left Squad Member Ilhan Omar Can Still Be Removed from Office with Minnesota’s Open Primaries appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.