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Yeroskipou sea is clean, Eastern Paphos municipality says


Analysis of the seawater off the coast of Yeroskipou has proven it to be clean, the Eastern Paphos municipality said on Thursday.

The municipality said bathers had reported that “brown and white foam-like spots” had appeared on the surface of the water at Yeroskipou’s municipal beach, and that following these reports, they had carried out an investigation to ensure the water’s cleanliness.

With the results off that analysis now in, the municipality said a specialist scientist had informed them that the masses of brown and white mucus which float on the surface of the water are “the result of natural processes which take place in surface waters”.

“They are associated with the photosynthetic activity of unicellular organisms such as phytoplankton, which are found in the marine environment,” they said.

They added that the analysis showed the water to be “very good”.

Additionally, they said the ports authority had informed them that all boats carrying sewage deposit it ashore and not into the sea, and that those deposits are carried out in the presence of officials from the ports authority or the police.