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Nicola and Jimmy King get disturbing news about killer daughter Angel in Emmerdale


EMMERDALE couple Nicola and Jimmy King will be rocked by some distressing news next week. 

The couple, played by Nicola Wheeler and Nick Miles, have been struggling in recent months since their daughter was sent to live in a juvenile facility. 

Nicola and Jimmy are set to receive some distressing news in Emmerdale next week[/caption]
The couple will learn that their daughter has been involved in a fight[/caption]
Not known, clear with picture desk
This could have serious consequences for Angel who is serving out her eight-month sentence[/caption]

Back in March, Angelica, known as Angel (Rebecca Bakes), confessed to causing the car crash which led to the death of Heath Hope (Sebastian Dowling), but she had lied about it for months previously. 

Afterward she was sentenced to 8 months in the children’s facility, which is where she currently resides. 

Angel has not been seen in the Dales for a few months because of this, but her name will come up next week when her parents Nicola and Jimmy receive a distressing call from the facility. 

The pair are devastated to hear that Angel has been involved in a fight and they worry about what this could mean for their teenage daughter. 

Despite Angel’s pending release, Nicola and Jimmy are set to endure several stressful months following the news of the altercation. 

Angel caused the accident which led to Heath’s death

In the new year, Angel, Heath and his twin sister Cathy (Gabrielle Dowling) were involved in a car accident after they stole Wendy Posner’s (Susan Cookson) car. 

Heartbreakingly, Heath died in the accident and to make the situation worse, Cathy was falsely blamed for her brother’s death because Angel lied about being behind the wheel.

It wasn’t until March that she came clean and admitted she was the one driving. 

After that, she was sentenced to an eight-month custodial sentence in the juvenile facility. 

Angel’s departure from the Dales isn’t permanent though, as star Rebecca, who has played Angel since 2009, confirmed the character will be returning. 

Nicola and Jimmy’s lives haven’t been the same since

After the truth came out about Angel’s part in Heath’s death, her parents Nicola and Jimmy were left devastated. 

According to star Nicola, their lives have never been the same since. 

“I don’t think they possibly can be, can they? That’s not to say they will be miserable forever, but I think something like that taints or stains you slightly,” she said. 

Nicola continued: “And looking to the future, I would just say, what is to come? What is Angel going to be like when she leaves the place? That’s the big question, isn’t it?

Most complained about soap storylines

Over the years, all three of the main soaps have featured plots that have had even die-hard fans reaching for their phones and laptops so they can get in touch with Ofcom and complain. Here are just some of the most scandalous…

  • EastEnders baby theft: 13,400 Ofcom complaints – Back in 2011, EastEnders was flooded with complaints when Ronnie Branning (RIP) swapped her baby for the dead son of Kat Moon. The storyline drew the most number of objections in the soap’s long history and saw it roundly criticised by campaigners – with 13,400 flying in over the course of the storyline. Some viewers called it “distressing” and “horrific” but Ofcom ruled the scenes were not “unduly disturbing”.
  • Emmerdale dog-napping: 550 Ofcom complaints – Back in 2016, Ross Barton and Charity Dingle came up with a plan to steal a dog and hold it ransom – but viewers didn’t like it one bit. The nation’s pet owners rose up, insisting the storyline would encourage copycats (not to mention copydogs). Complaints over two episodes totalled a staggering 550 and soap writers quickly learnt you don’t mess with animal-lovers.
  • Coronation Street double murder: 546 Ofcom complaints – Marginally less people complained about a gruesome double murder than objected to a dog-napping plot when Pat Phelan was at the centre of a spate of killings. First he forced Andy Carver to shoot dead Vinny Ashford – and then Pat killed Andy. All the bloodshed back in 2017 proved to be too much for some viewers, who lodged complaints in vast numbers about the “violent scenes”.
  • “For eight months of her life, Nicola and Jimmy don’t really have any control or influence on her at all. That, I think, is probably quite crushing for a parent. For every parent who’d been in this situation, the fact that they are literally handing their child over. And that’s what they’re doing.”

    Unfortunately, Nicola and Jimmy’s difficulties are set to continue following the news of Angel’s fight.

    Nicola and Jimmy have not been coping well since Angel’s sentencing[/caption]