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97% of the People Biden-Harris Prosecute for Abortion Violence are Pro-Life


For the last couple of years, the Biden-Harris administration’s Department of Justice (DOJ) has been accused of misapplying the Freedom of Access to Clinic Entrances (FACE) Act to target pro-lifers. The law was originally passed in 1994 with the intention of allowing the federal government to prosecute anyone who blocks both abortion facilities and pro-life pregnancy resource centers. However, over the years, people such as Rep. Chip Roy (R-Texas) have exposed the reality that an alarmingly high number of FACE Act prosecutions have been filed against people who advocate for the unborn.

In 2022, 11 pro-life individuals were charged with violating the FACE Act while “peacefully praying and singing hymns while standing and sitting along the walls of a hallway leading to the door of” an abortion facility. Four of the defendants were scheduled to face trials for misdemeanors, while six others were convicted, facing “up to a maximum of 10 and a half years in prison, three years of supervised release, and fines of up to $260,000.” In light of these realities, Roy introduced a bill to repeal the FACE Act in 2023. But as time goes on, the Texas congressman has noted, the statistics only continue to reveal using the FACE Act “has become a tactic of those who want a weaponized justice system.”

Not only were six more pro-life activists convicted for violating the FACE Act during a peaceful protest in January, but as guest host and former Congressman Jody Hice pointed out on Monday’s episode of “Washington Watch,” Roy’s office has uncovered data that reveals 97% of FACE Act prosecutions since 1994 have been against pro-lifers. Or put another way, out of 211 cases, only six were used to prosecute pro-abortionists. “[T]he statistics don’t lie,” Hice stated, and “this data … is stunning, shocking, [and] maddening.”


Roy, who joined the discussion, emphasized, “I think it points out very clearly that” the FACE Act is “being used as a weapon” against pro-life Americans. Each time concerns were raised about the issue, he added, they were dismissed. But “the fact is,” Roy observed, “we’ve gotten this very specific set of data that … 97% of these cases have been used against pro-life activists.” Hice added, “It just sounds to me that this is … like prosecutions on steroids. I mean, this is what a weaponized government looks like, isn’t it?”

“It is,” Roy stated. Ultimately, “if there’s a misdemeanor offense here for blocking access to the clinic,” regardless of personal values, then “we understand that an application of” the law is required. “But putting aside the fact that we’re standing up for life in the first place,” Roy continued, “at the end of the day, they’re trying to weaponize this specifically to put pro-life people in jail for a long time.” And according to the Texan, the longer this is tolerated, the sooner “it’s coming to a theater near you.”

As Roy went on to argue, the abuse won’t stop at abortion. “Let’s be very real,” he stated. “It’s [also] about religious liberty” and people who won’t “bake a cake for a gay wedding.” He went on, “It’s about parents like Scott Smith in Loudoun County” who spoke out against transgenderism in schools. “[T]here are multiple issues where” laws could be applied to target certain groups or people — or as Hice noted, “against anyone who disagrees with this radical left-wing agenda.” It’s a weaponization coming from “the government to attack their political opponents to destroy them,” he contended, adding that most of the eye-opening cases have “happened just in the three and a half years of the Biden administration. It’s a vicious attack.”

Roy emphasized, “And I think it’s important to kind of pull up and then look at this from 50,000 feet and just understand where we are in America.” The people who are being targeted, he noted, are “patriots who are standing up and doing what they believe is right and exercising their First Amendment rights … to try to protect those who need protection.” But what’s happening is these people are facing “the consequences of … [a] legal system [that] is being used in a weaponized fashion. … It’s the destruction of the rule of law.”

And what it boils down to, Roy concluded, is that “they’re doing it on purpose. They’re doing it because they want pro-lifers to be in jail. And everybody … needs to know it.”

LifeNews Note: Suzanne Bowdey serves as editorial director and senior writer at The Washington Stand, where this originally appeared.

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