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My free anti-ageing tip gets rid of forehead wrinkles, crow’s feet AND slims your chin – all you need is a few minutes


ONE woman showed off the free technique she uses to combat facial wrinkles.

She demonstrated the seven steps to her anti-ageing routine for her followers.

TikTok user Valeriia showed her followers the facial massages she uses to tackle wrinkles[/caption]

In her viral video, user Valeriia Veksler (@valeriiaveksler) used “basic face fitness” to target seven problem areas.

For her first step, the TikToker began with a move she called the “swan neck.”

This involved her pursing her lips as she tilted her chin upwards, and repeating the move for one minute.

Next, Valeriia demonstrated the technique for ensuring a “firm jawline.”

She held her chin directly below her mouth with both hands, gripping between her thumb and fingers.

Then she moved her hands slowly back along her jawline towards her ears, repeating the move for 60 seconds.

Valeriia then focused on tackling the nasolabial folds, which are the lines on either side of your mouth.

She placed her hands on either side of her nose, facing her palms together.

The poster made sure to tuck her thumbs in as she dragged the side of your index finders down your nasolabial folds and across her cheekbones.

Again, she repeated the move for one minute.

Next, she gave herself a “cheek lift,” which involved pinching along her cheekbones with both hands, quickly moving from nose to ear and repeating on both sides for a minute.

Valeriia also spent a minute dragging her forefingers from directly under her nose across her cheeks.

Similarly, she placed her index and middle finger from each hand on either side of her nose and dragged them across her lower cheeks.

She also tackled the crow’s feet beside her eyes with a grab and drag technique.

How facial massages combat wrinkles

The Natural Spa Factory explained the science behind using facial massages to smooth the skin.

According to the experts, the technique of applying pressure to various parts of the face can help to boost collagen.

“Massaging your face can stimulate the production of collagen, a protein responsible for maintaining skin’s elasticity,” they said.

“Collagen keeps your skin plump and wrinkle-free, and facial massage helps ensure its continuous production.”

She began by tilting her head and gently scraping her fingers along the skin in quick motions.

Valeriia then dragged the skin slowly in opposite directions for one minute.

Finally, she targeted the 11 lines on her forehead by placing her index and middle finger from each hand on the opposite eyebrows.

She began at the inner corner and dragged her fingers across the top of each brow towards her hairline.

Her followers shared their thoughts on the unique anti-wrinkle routine in the comments section.

“I started doing this and it really works,” wrote one impressed TikTok user.

“But imagine if someone walked into me kissing me [the] air, they’ll think I’m crazy,” joked another person.

The TikToker’s techniques tackled everything from 11 lines to crow’s feet