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NHS Interview Preparation – Clinical Governance

After all your training, reaching the stage of an NHS interview is an enormous feat! Of course, feeling nervous at this stage is normal, especially if you’ve never had an NHS interview explained. You want to succeed at the interview, and to manage that, you’ll need to put some time and energy into preparation. Particularly focus on the types of questions the interview panel will ask you so that you know how to answer and won’t be caught off guard.One part of the interview that stumps a lot of candidates is the question about clinical governance. When asked about clinical governance, the interviewers expect a clear answer that demonstrates your understanding of it, including its importance and the times you’ve seen it in progress.What is Clinical Governance?Before anything else, you should familiarise yourself with the definition of clinical governance. Here is the official definition from 1998,“A framework through which NHS organisations are accountable for continually improving the qu...