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'I'm not going back to a fraudster': Republican shreds Trump and his family in brutal rant


A man who described himself as a "Lincoln Republican" blasted former President Donald Trump's run for re-election, calling him a "fraudster" who doesn't understand economics.

During a C-SPAN's Wednesday edition of Washington Journal, a caller from Maryland named Derrick explained why he was not voting for Trump.

"I am excited about what's happening in the Democratic Party, although I am a Lincoln Republican who has gone over because I am not going back to a convicted felon," the caller said. "I'm not going back to an adulterer."

"I'm not going back to a fraudster," he continued. "I'm not going back to someone who claims to understand economics and had so many bankruptcies. I'm not going back to a number of empty, promised Republicans."

The caller said that he was choosing to move forward.

"And I'm so challenged by every time a Republican gets on this line, all they can do is talk about the worst, the worst, the worst," he noted. "If the country is so bad, why don't you move out of the country?"

The caller told C-SPAN that although he had voted for Trump in the past, he would not do so again.

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"It appeared to be breaking up the system," he explained. "But what it turns out to be was just one seeking out riches for he and his children. Folks don't want to talk about his children and how many riches they gained from this."

"And even the rioters at January 6th, we all forget about that. Lives were lost," he added. "Property was damaged. Our sacred building was violated. I can't forget that."

The Maryland resident said he could not forget about the images of a Confederate flag being carried through the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 6.

"You know, Republicans have short memories, very short memories," he observed. "I'm from a military family. That is not what military folks do. So I'm extremely disappointed in what I've seen."

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