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What the 2024 Leo season holds


The astrological Leo season, which lasts from July 23 to August 23, brings a wave of new energy, fresh confidence and creativity. This time marks the peak of the sun in its natural home, as Leo is associated with the sun. After a period full of moon energies and the deeply emotional waters of Cancer, our life-giver, the sun, now unfolds its full power, giving us the courage to pursue our dreams and enter our ‘main stage era.’ Think of Taylor Swift. Though she is a Sagittarius (also a fire sign like Leo), we can learn almost everything we need from her to perfect our own performances. It’s great that she is currently covering Europe with glitter and sequins, and of course, annoying many people along the way. That’s how it should be. We need projection surfaces that we can and must rub against.

In the Leo season of 2024, we must learn that we are seen and heard. To perfect our performance, we must first understand that every appearance, whether in the supermarket, at the park, or in the beach club, is a performance. The words and signals we send have an impact. The Leo energy will give us many opportunities in the coming four weeks to show what we are capable of and allow our perhaps yet undiscovered talents to surface. It is a time when we can shamelessly show our appreciation and big heart to our fellow human beings and experience ourselves as a great collective humanity.

Leos naturally play the leading role in our zodiac theatre. From them we learn how important it is to celebrate ourselves and life generously, recognise our achievements, and at the same time recover from all the worldly madness that surrounds us. And it is important and healthy to celebrate our own achievements. This Leo season encourages us to express our true selves, pursue our dreams, and celebrate our talents. Whether in shorts that others may consider too short, with a new project, or in a bikini on the beach.

And: At this point, lots of love to those who find the time of Leo’s sun too extroverted, too loud, and simply too much. Absolutely understandable. I also find it totally understandable to really dislike summer and just watch the Olympic Games on the couch for days. In front of the newly acquired fan, accompanied by very large ice cream bowls and no one else. The cosmic explanation for why this time feels particularly intense this year is Pluto. Pluto’s energy shows that changes are often not easy. The revolutionary Pluto-in-Aquarius energy stands directly opposite the hot Leo sun and will ensure that everything that is not truly authentic elegantly falls apart. Pluto is the rebellious transformer among the planets. A kind of cosmic bouncer.

To stay with the metaphor of the bouncer, let’s imagine a very exclusive club. The bouncer, representing Pluto’s energy, controls access to this club. Only those who meet the strict requirements are allowed in. This bouncer is relentless, makes no exceptions, and is ready to enter conflicts to maintain the club’s integrity. Pluto as a bouncer exerts complete control. He decides who can enter and who cannot, based on a deep understanding of power and control. This aspect of Pluto shows that changes are often not easy or gentle but are enforced through strict and sometimes relentless conditions. But: Those who make it through the door experience a radical transformation. Pluto’s energy challenges us to face the deepest, often most painful parts of ourselves and emerge from this process cleansed and transformed. On a societal level, Pluto’s energy is evident in revolutionary changes where old power structures are overthrown and replaced by new ones.

Adding to this, many planets, including Neptune, Saturn, and Pluto, will be retrograde this summer. Mercury is also joining and, with its retrograde energy, might disrupt our travel plans, pushing us to look inward and work on our performance. This very opposing energy can indeed require some days of rest.

The Leo season can revive our faith in our abilities and confidence in a bright future, ignite our inner (Olympic) fire, and help us find our glow again. It reminds us that we all have the strength, courage, and lion’s heart to shape our lives and to realise our dreams.