It was the ultra-left not Russia!
Before the Olympics there were multiple stories about how Russia will be behind attempts to disrupt the Olympics. Then the trains were struck disrupting a million people, and Russia was fingered.
But I was sceptical. Not that Russia ia a malign actor, but disrupting transport links tends to be the modus operandi of left and environmental groups. And are enough it is reported:
French police arrested an “ultra-Left activist” at a railway site on Sunday (local time) after “coordinated” sabotage attacks caused chaos and disruption ahead of Friday’s Olympics opening ceremony.
The man arrested in Oissel near Rouen, northern France, had in his vehicle “access keys to (state rail operator) SNCF technical premises”, “wire cutters”, a “set of universal keys” and other items, as well as literature with links to the ultra-Left, a police source told Le Parisien.
He was also found carrying “ultra-Left literature” with him and a book by Romain Huët called The Vertigo of the Riot: from the Zad to the Yellow Vests.
Zad, or “zones à défendre” (zones to defend) are sites occupied by eco-warriors to prevent what they consider environmentally harmful development projects from being carried out.
This is not a surprise.
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