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TV Fanatic Eyebrow Raisers: More Bad Boys Please, Fewer Long-Gestating Seasons & More

We've got a lot running through our minds, so we're going to share those thoughts with you! Here's our first TVF Eyebrow Raisers!

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We have thoughts about many aspects of the entertainment industry that we don’t have time (or, hey, sometimes the desire, right?) to write about in long form.

We will no longer hold back just because we lack the energy. Instead, we’ll band together or share a short burst of more personal energy.

This will become a semi-regular series, and we’ve also called for goofy, fun coverage for those who might want to get more in-depth. Let’s see how it goes, and let us know if you’d like to see more!

(Columbia Pictures/Trailer Screenshot)

Gamer Love and Bad Boys Appreciation

The biggest eyebrow-raiser to catch my eye lately is the Deadpool dog from DP3, which has won the Ugliest Dog in Britain award. I love all dogs, but OMG, that thing is nasty-looking! I guess it fits with DP — haha.

And that they’re coming out with Mortal Kombat 2 next year. My ’80s gamer heart is pumped because I loved the first remake in 2021 (the original is the 90s version and was pretty kick ass for the time).

And oh my god, does anyone watch the Bad Boys movies? Because they made Reggie one bad-muther-shut-your-mouth. (Sorry, I’m dying for a Shaft series right now!) But how interesting would it be to create a Bad Boys series spinoff about our favorite nerdy Marine? [Sara Trimble]

Sara, I’m 100% with you on a Bad Boys spinoff with Reggie and Hotmando. Usually, I cringe at spinoff talk because it’s gotten ridiculous, but I would be firmly seated for that. I’d also settle for Jacob Scipio just starring in his own action franchise period.

(Columbia Pictures/Trailer Screenshot)

Eyebrow Raisers of Reality TV

As a veteran reality TV viewer, I’m well aware of how much production can influence things. The Claim to Fame production team dropped the ball by not doing more to keep Miguel, aka Rafael, aka JAMIE LEE CURTIS’ NEPHEW, from leaving the show this early.

He was reality television gold — pure chaos. The kid understood the assignment. And NO ONE would have ever guessed his celebrity relative because he totally took advantage of people, naturally assuming it was someone Latino.

I fear all the entertainment is gone with him, as no one else has the personality to carry the game.

On the opposite end of the spectrum, I’m so glad the Big Brother 26 contestants aren’t just completely giving into production influence because it’s so obvious they wanted Matt to stay longer, and the contestants weren’t having it.

We even got a split vote rather than the “voting with the majority” garbage. Between that, all the deliciously entertaining (and petty) arguments and drama, and a truly eclectic bunch of personalities, it’s giving Old School Big Brother. Bless!

I am still not sold on Suits: LA or Stephen Amell leading it, and that first-look picture didn’t help in the least. His character looks as dour as I did when the casting news and premise trickled in. [Jasmine Blu]

(David Astorga/NBC)

We’re Sick of Waiting So Long for Shows to Return!

This is what’s been on my mind. It feels like we’re waiting longer and longer between seasons for shows, and at some point, will we just … stop caring?

Severance S2 is coming back three years after S1 premiered.

Stranger Things S5 doesn’t even have a release date yet, and it’s already been two and a half years. The child stars from this show are grown adults — Millie Bobbie Brown is a married woman, for Pete’s sake.

In my opinion, these long waits are toeing the line between building anticipation and alienating audiences, which is a real eyebrow-raiser. Does Hollywood not see what I do?

I loved Severance Season 1, but it’s been so long that I genuinely don’t care about the next. It almost feels like a chore that I’ll have to watch it just for the sake of continuity! [Haley Whitmire White]

It’s so easy to lose interest or forget what’s happening. The momentum of something good comes to a screeching halt. And for something mediocre, it’s easy to never bother watching it again.

I love the point about how they shoot themselves in the foot by filming an entire season at once and never getting that viewer response or enough feedback to tweak or run with something until it’s too late. [Jasmine Blu]

(Apple TV+)

I’m entirely on board with y’all having to rewatch shows. I have to rewind the stuff I’m already watching because my ADHD kicks in, and I wander into LaLaLand and completely get lost in what’s happening on the show.

There’s no way I could sit through rewatching something I’ve already seen. Between four kids, six dogs, and all my other jobs, I’d be dead.

I doubt I’ll even bother with the new season of Stranger Things because it’s been so long since we watched the last season that I can’t even recall what happened.

If it’s more than one year between seasons, I won’t bother until the entire show is over, and I can binge-watch all at once. It makes no sense to wait so long at all. [Sara Trimble]

Oh, No, They Didn’t Diss Grace Ryder for THIS

911: Lone Star is more than an eyebrow-raiser. Not only am I still pissed about Grace Ryder not being in the potentially final season of the show, but I’m irked that Wyatt is the new dispatcher.

No disrespect to the kid (okay, maybe a little), but it’s frustrating that he was randomly dropped into the show and kindly took over the Ryder homelife storylines and all the fun of the Ryders having their first kid together. NOW he’s basically taking over Grace’s position.

Screw that, respectfully. [Jasmine Blu]

The Over/Under on TV Bordem

Have you ever been overwhelmed and underwhelmed at the same time? That’s where I find myself with TV right now. The eyebrow-raiser is that there is too much TV history to watch and not enough new content to engage me.

Most content currently being made bores the hell out of me. I’ve stopped watching broadcast shows almost entirely — well, those in the present, anyway.

Paramount+ still has my heart with Evil, Criminal Minds (even after the less-than-stellar season that just ended), and SEAL Team, but that’s the anomaly, especially since Evil and SEAL Team are almost over.

Overall, I’ve been watching old sci-fi and disaster movies (thanks, Prime Video!), old TV (thanks to the rare linear channel I watch (GET) and Hulu) like Quincy and Police Woman, and foreign TV.

But really, where IS all of the old content? Decades worth of shows are out of reach. It’s gross to think of that wasted time and talent!

It’s gotten to the point that I am buying DVDs to see TV history for the first time. With all this streaming, why isn’t the entire history of TV at my fingertips?

However, I’ve also been watching a lot of documentaries and docuseries — not game shows, home improvement shows, or other makeovers, but slice-of-life, there-but-for-the-grace-of-God-go-I stuff.

This brings me to how one of the summer’s biggest movies, Twisters, ties into good TV.

In the Eye of the Storm and Violent Earth can both be watched on Max, and the actual footage puts Twisters to shame.

Honestly, Twister puts Twisters to shame, but that’s a different story.

If you watch disaster movies because you imagine how you might fare, In the Eye of the Storm and Violent Earth are calling for you. I was sick to my stomach watching In the Eye of the Storm Season 1 Episode 4 about the Paradise Fire — chilling stuff.

Check it out. You will not be disappointed. [Carissa Pavlica]

The post TV Fanatic Eyebrow Raisers: More Bad Boys Please, Fewer Long-Gestating Seasons & More appeared first on TV Fanatic.