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Banksy strikes again after second artwork in 24 hours appears in London

The new artwork is in central London (Picture: Banksy)

Banksy has unveiled another new artwork in London depicting two elephants poking their heads out of blocked out windows.

The Bristol-based street artist shared a photo of the wall art which features two dark elephant silhouettes with their trunks stretched out towards each other on Instagram on Tuesday.

The location of his newest work appears to be on Edith Terrace, Chelsea, where the average price of a home reached over £750,000 in the last year alone, according to RightMove.

Some have speculated the new artwork could reference the ‘elephant in the room’.

It comes after Banksy revealed an artwork of a goat perched on top of a wall near Kew Bridge in Richmond on Monday.

But just two hours after Banksy unveiled his goat art piece on his official Instagram page, an employee was spotted appearing to move the CCTV camera back to its original position after it was positioned facing the falling rocks.

The artwork has left Banksy’s fellow followers speculating about what the meaning is behind it.

Banksy’s goat artwork was unveiled near Kew Bridge (Picture: PA)

Rob Bartlett commented on the Instagram post: ‘The goat represents the human race on the precipice, “of the edge of extinction”, the jump is not important better to take a few steps backwards.’

Meanwhile Craig Strivens wrote: ‘The CCTV camera surly represents us watching the world crumble around us.’

And Chris Barcroft offered his insight and commented: ‘The camera is looking at the falling rocks, rather than what’s causing them to fall.

Goats are adapted to climbing on narrow ledges, so it isn’t in danger, but the camera’s view doesn’t give the full picture.

‘So I’d guess that it’s referencing the need to understand that news needs context before forming an opinion.’

The owner of the building could be in for a big payday – anything Banksy creates invariably increases in value, especially if it’s one of his bigger pieces, experts say.

Properties featuring his work have seen their market values soar over the years, often by hundreds of thousands of pounds.

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