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Trolls say we’re going ‘straight to hell’ because we’re a throuple – we share EVERYTHING but must wait in line to kiss


A THROUPLE have opened up about their unique relationship, leaving many totally divided. 

Alana, 27, Kevin, 33, and Megan, 37, a throuple from Northern Colorado, are using social media to raise awareness of their relationship – and polyamory

A throuple have revealed all on their unique relationship – from having to wait in line to kiss, to sharing everything
Alana, Kevin, and Megan, have been in a relationship for four years, but have been met with mixed responses online

Known online as ‘Camp Throuple’, the trio have been in a relationship for four years, with Alana and Kevin dating for three years before that. 

It was in 2020 when Alana Underwood, who had always been open about her “bi-curiosity”,  first approached Kevin about the idea of bringing a third person into their relationship.

Kevin, who works as a product manager for a start-up, wasn’t against the idea, and the pair met Megan Smith, an operations manager, through specialist threesome dating app 3Fun.

Now, the trio live together as a throuple in California and not only do they share the same bed, but they also split chores and rent three ways. 

In addition to this, the trio have confirmed that as a result of having three people in their relationship, they also have to wait in line to kiss each other.

Posting online, the throuple opened up about their polyamorous relationship, as Megan admitted: “We’re a throuple and yes, we all sleep in the same bed.”

The throuple use social media to post educational content about their relationship, but are often met with nasty responses from haters, as Kevin confirmed: “We’re a throuple and according to most people on the internet, we’re going straight to hell.” 

Not only this, but Alana claimed: “We’re a throuple and no, we’re not looking for a fourth.” 

Megan then shared that being in a throuple makes it’s impossible to pick what to eat or watch, whilst Kevin claimed that the trio block the path when they hold hands.

Following this, Alana recognised that one bathroom simply isn’t enough for them, whilst Megan beamed: “We’re a throuple, we’ve mastered the art of sharing everything.”


The TikTok clip, which was posted under the username @campthrouple, has clearly impressed many, as it has quickly gone viral and has since racked up 1.9 million views. 

But social media users were left massively divided – whilst many were supportive of the trio’s relationship, not everyone was as kind. 


By Sally Land, Sun Agony Aunt

THEY say two’s company and three’s a crowd – and judging from the contents of my mailbox, a lot of people struggle to make relationships involving three people work.

To be clear, a throuple describes a committed and romantic relationship between three people.

This is not to be mistaken for a threesome, which involves sex between three people, or an open relationship, where people have sex with people other than their partner.

I receive plenty of emails from readers who have tried threesomes, throuples and open relationships and ended up more miserable than ever.

My advice would be to only begin considering non-monogamy if you are secure in yourself and your relationship.

If you struggle with jealousy, this is not the set-up for you.

Those who say they have made non-monogamy work invariably operate with basic rules.

Firstly, they are good communicators, ensuring they are open and honest with each other.

Secondly, they make absolutely sure all partners agree.

Thirdly, they consider and discuss their long-term relationship goals.

They check in with each other regularly, ensuring everyone is still comfortable with the set-up.

And finally, they establish clear boundaries and expectations – and, crucially, they respect them.

It’s interesting that the throuple in this feature do not want children, which is exactly the sort of long-term life goal that is so important to discuss.

Not only would it cause problems if one partner desperately wanted a child while the other two did not, it’s also crucial to ensure any children are brought into a loving and stable environment.

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One person said: “You’re a throuple and I love that y’all are living your best life as you deserve!!!!!” 

Another added: “Love this.” 

A third commented: “I personally don’t live this life but as long as y’all’s relationship is full of love, that’s all that matters!” 

I’m old school, not ok with this, it’s not for me

TikTok user

Whilst someone else beamed: “You guys look so happy!!” 

However, at the same time, trolls were out in full force.

One hater simply penned: “Disgusting.”

A second wrote: “That’s disturbing on so many levels.” 

Someone else chimed in: “You’re a throuple, you have a 92% chance of having a divorce rate.” 

Whilst one woman admitted: “I’m old school, not ok with this, it’s not for me.”