News in English

Bridge: Aug. 6, 2024


Cy the Cynic complains that people waste all kinds of time trying to figure out where a roll of tape or paper towels starts, but his partners won’t spend a moment to plan ahead as declarer.

Cy was today’s North. At 3NT, South won the first heart with the king and led a diamond, and East took the ace and returned a heart. South won in his hand and led the jack of clubs, but West alertly took his ace and led a third heart to the ace.


South then ran the diamonds — and had to discard five times. He pitched a spade and three clubs, but the last diamond did him in. Whatever he threw, the defense would take the rest. Down one.

“Not even a boa constrictor can squeeze himself,” Cy observed glumly, “but my partner managed to do it.”

At Trick Two, South should lead the king of clubs to West’s ace. South wins the heart return in his hand, cashes one high club and forces out the ace of diamonds. He wins the third heart with the ace and runs the diamonds for nine tricks.


You hold: S K 9 2 H J 10 9 8 D 6 2 C A 10 7 2. The dealer, at your left, opens one diamond. Your partner doubles, and the next player bids three diamonds. What do you say?

ANSWER: Your opponent’s jump-raise is weak. With a decent hand, he would have found another call — maybe a redouble. Don’t be intimidated. Partner has opening values or more, and you may have a game. Bid three hearts. You have enough strength to compete at the three level.

South dealer

N-S vulnerable


S 7 6 3

H A 7 2

D K Q J 10 9 5

C 5


S K 9 2

H J 10 9 8

D 6 2

C A 10 7 2


S A 8 4

H 6 5 3

D A 8 7 3

C 9 8 4


S Q J 10 5

H K Q 4

D 4

C K Q J 6 3

South West North East
1 C Pass 1 D Pass
1 S Pass 3 D Pass
3 NT All Pass
Opening lead — H J

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