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EXCLUSIVE | Persecuted J6’er Breaks Silence From Solitary: ‘Ashli Will Always Be My Guardian Angel’


GUEST AUTHOR: J6 Political Prisoner Zachary Alam 

Everybody knows me as the kid with the helmet who broke the Speaker’s Lobby windows right before Ashli Babbitt got shot.

And for that, I got convicted of five felonies, but more importantly, I was demonized by the January 6 community itself.

As soon as I set foot in DC jail, I got labeled “Antifa” by another J6’er because of the black and yellow shirt I wore on January 6.

Black and yellow are the colors of the Proud Boys, who were ordered by their leadership not to wear black and yellow on January 6.

This was done as a shrewd way to identify infiltrators because members of Antifa often masquerade as Proud Boys at Trump rallies.

But by coincidence, I wore black and yellow, a color combination that meant nothing to me at the time.

That and the fact that Ashli was shot to death springing through a window, that I broke open, are the source of all accusations against me by the January 6 community.

My troubles first started when I arrived in the “patriot pod” of DC jail, where all J6’ers are housed.

I was immediately “written out,” a less than honorable act that involves an inmate secretly submitting a written complaint to the police in order to have another inmate removed from the housing unit.

We were having Bible study when the correctional officer on duty told me I had to go to “medical”.

But once I was out the door, the police put handcuffs on me and took me to the solitary confinement unit, where I spent the next four months.

Then one day I called the Vigil. Right when they figured out who I was, they warned me that I was “not welcome here” and to “lose their number”.

The Vigil is a nightly gathering of civilians outside the D.C. jail and functions as a support group for J6’ers inside the building.

The people who run the Vigil let the J6’ers call their cell phones to speak out.

When J6’ers speak on the Vigil, they are broadcasted through podcasts, allowing them to address large audiences, from which they request donations. These funds go toward commissary and phone time but can also be used to retain lawyers and cover living expenses upon release.

Certain J6’ers have managed to raise six and even seven figures worth of dollars through these methods.

Sadly, Ashli’s mother has a grudge against me, and since she’s in charge of the Vigil, I am banned from it.

I’m not exactly sure what her problem is, but I think she blames me for her daughter’s death because her daughter had the valor to jump in front of a bullet for me.

I hate it when people say Ashli was mad at me for breaking windows. No, she wasn’t.

She would’ve broken them herself had I not stepped up.

Yes, she did smack me and knock the glasses off my face. But that’s because she was trying to stop me from getting myself shot.

She saw the gunman and knew I was headed right for him. And no, I don’t have all the answers, so stop asking me why she decided to go through the window knowing there was a gun aimed at it.

Ashli will always be my guardian angel.

On Sunday October 15, 2023, I woke up in my jail cell around 10 AM and went to the day room to make a cup of coffee. Another J6’er hurried over to me from one of the two TV rooms.

“Dude, you’re on TV, and it’s not good,” he warned me.

I glanced into the first TV room as I walked past. There were about sixteen J6’ers crammed inside with their eyes glued to the screen.

As I stepped into the second TV room, a few agitated J6’ers growled and barked at me.

They had been worked into a frenzy by ABC7 and what it was then broadcasting. On the screen was the same video evidence the government showed at my trial. Except this time, it had been heavily edited.

It zoomed in on certain things while a woman narrated. It ended with a short commentary by an FBI agent, who indirectly concluded that I was probably a CHS (confidential human source).

This is a fancy term for “snitch” or “rat,”  slang for someone who cooperates with law enforcement against other defendants.

The only thing lower than being a CHS in the prison hierarchy is being a child molester, and being either can get you killed.

I’m willing to bet that the journalist who put that story together was hired and paid by a hostile J6’er or J6 organization to put me at risk.

Most J6’ers have no problems with me, and a handful actually like me a lot and have become some of my best friends. A small but very vocal minority, however, drowns out the silent majority and persuades the public against me.

When I came back to the patriot pod, some good J6’ers let me know that I was about to get written out again. So what I did was I called a “town hall”.

Backed by J6 allies, I confronted my J6 accusers. I started hollering real loud and every J6’er in the patriot pod gathered around.

A spontaneous trial then proceeded to unfold. One by one, my accusers blamed me for this and that and presented their best evidence.

One man stated that I admitted to him that I was Antifa, but because there were no witnesses to back his claims, nobody believed him.

Another man accused me of being Antifa because he thought that I changed my shirt in the Speaker’s Lobby stairwell.

But video evidence clearly does not show me changing shirts. The footage was in fact reviewed at this time by all present, as J6’ers in the patriot pod have laptops and hard drives containing relevant January 6 footage.

Then I announced exactly what I was doing in the stairwell: I was putting my MAGA cap and winter fur hat in my backpack and putting that helmet on my head.

The helmet was given to me seconds before by a Texas J6’er. And it was a good thing to do — people were getting shot.

I exited the building wearing my helmet and my black and yellow shirt.

The government even played footage of it at my trial, only because they wanted the jury to hear me shouting “We need guns!” as I ran out of the building. They wanted to make the jury think I was a crazy person who wanted guns.

People claim I am Antifa is because I changed my clothes in the stairwell after Babbit was shot. The government has exhibited video that shows me wearing the same exact clothing when I first popped up in John Sullivan’s footage that I was wearing when I exited the Capitol building.

As a closing statement, one of my J6 brothers from Arkansas placed an order and told the pod to, “Quit persecuting the man!”

Votes were then collected and counted. Only 5 out of 34 J6’ers voted to write me out. And so I managed to stay another six months in the patriot pod before I started having problems again.

I am the only J6’er to get indicted by J6’ers, fight the charges, and win a trial by an actual jury of my peers.

God bless America.

If there’s one thing I want the world to know, it’s that on January 6, I believed in my heart that I was doing the right thing. And that I had no dishonest intentions, motives, or actions whatsoever.

I showed up as a Trump-supporting, Democrat-opposing, Arizona-born, American-raised Christian. I should be treated with the respect and honor deserved of a true patriot, who volunteered his freedom to defend the Constitution.


Zachary Jordan Alam


**Editors note** Zachary Alam was disowned by his family for his action on January 6. His protest of the stolen election was the straw that broke the camel’s back for his parents. He was on thin ice after dropping out of medical school.

With no help on the outside, Zach, who is housed in the hole of the Washington Correctional Treatment Facility for the ninth consecutive month, penniless, is unable to afford the cost of jail life, including commissary for food, clothes, and outside communication, let alone an attorney for appeal.

He currently can barely even afford to send an email from the jail tablet.

Alam attended the Save America rally at the Capitol by himself on Jan. 6. His friend and mentor invited him to the protest, but did not show up. That individual did not testify at Alam’s trial because has become mysteriously disfigured and paralyzed following the Capitol riot.

Alam is one of the only January 6 defendants who has received no support from the American public or the newly spawned “January 6 community” while bombarded with claims that he is a government asset or Confidential Human Source. Fellow Jan. 6 hostage Jake Lang, who founded J6 legal assisted Alam with retaining defense attorney Steven Metcalf.

In September, Metcalf and this reporter uncovered during Alam’s trial that the U.S. District Federal Court is routinely recycling jurors on Jan. 6 trials, illegally calling the same individuals to jury duty multiple consecutive times in a row as the Department of Justice maintains a 100 percent conviction rate against the political prisoners on jury trials. 

Defense Attorneys Sound Alarm on ‘RECYCLED JURORS’ on J6 Trials: ‘WHAT’S GOING ON?’

Judge Dabney Friedrich is scheduled to sentence Alam on Aug. 22. The government is seeking an 11-year prison sentence.   


The post EXCLUSIVE | Persecuted J6’er Breaks Silence From Solitary: ‘Ashli Will Always Be My Guardian Angel’ appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.