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Kamala Harris is a Pro-Abortion Zealot


Assigning the moniker of pro-abortion zealot is not something we at National Right to Life take lightly or do often. The term implies a level of fervor and single-mindedness in support of abortion that will not allow for moderate or nuanced perspectives. Not that any exist. This individual is typically characterized by their extreme dedication to promoting and defending abortion through all nine months of pregnancy, for healthy mothers carrying healthy babies, and vilifying those who hold opposing views.

Vice President Kamala Harris is an abortion zealot. If elected, she would be the most pro-abortion president this country has ever had. On the rare occasion where she is able to formulate a coherent sentence, Harris will use the opportunity to espouse the most radical and extreme positions on abortion.

While serving in the United States Senate, Harris voted against the “Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act,” which would ensure that an infant born alive during an attempted abortion is afforded the same degree of medical care as any other newborn of the same gestational age, in effect advocating for the death of viable babies who have survived an abortion attempt.

She is a pro-abortion zealot.

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During that same time frame, Harris voted against the “Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act,” which would have protected unborn babies 20 weeks and older from late abortions on account of their ability to experience pain. She disregarded the science, ignored the testimony of doctors and the excruciating pain a baby feels as she is being shredded in her mother’s womb, and voted to allow the continuation of brutal late abortions.

She is a pro-abortion zealot.

Harris is in full support of the so-called “Women’s Health Protection Act,” a bill that would enshrine unlimited abortion until birth in federal law and do away with virtually all existing protections for unborn children and their mothers on both the federal and state levels, including parental involvement laws. She promotes fanatical positions that would eradicate the rights of parents from consenting or even knowing that their minor child is being taken in for an abortion.

She is a pro-abortion zealot.

If Harris were to become president, she has pledged to nominate only judges who support a “right to abortion.” She will use tax-payer dollars to subsidize the abortion industry further and further erode protections for women and girls who are seeking to take the dangerous chemical abortion cocktail.

Kamala Harris advocates for an extremist agenda that normalizes a brutal procedure that often involves the dismemberment of the unborn child, and untold trauma for the mother. We must unite, mobilize, and work tirelessly so that Kamala Harris never becomes president.

She is a pro-abortion zealot. Note: Raimundo Rojas is the director of Hispanic outreach for the National Right to Life Committee. He is a former president of Florida Right to Life and has presented the pro-life message to millions in Spanish-language media outlets. He represents NRLC at the United Nations as an NGO. Rojas was born in Santiago de las Vegas, Havana, Cuba and he and his family escaped to the United States in 1968.

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