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Fiscal Year 2025 Federal Budget Update (Congressional Recess Edition)


Before leaving for its annual August recess, the Senate Appropriations Committee completed action on eleven of the twelve appropriations bills that will fund the federal government for the coming Fiscal Year (FY) 2025. The House Appropriations Committee has also completed action on its FY 25 funding bills.

Generally the Senate bills include flat funding or slight increases for FY 25, while the House bills show reductions or program eliminations. Nearly all the funding levels for programs that affect history, archives, humanities, and education are higher in the Senate bills than the House versions.

Clearing the committee stage is merely the initial milestone in a lengthy convoluted process. In September, Congress will only have a few weeks to pass and send to conference all twelve bills before the new fiscal year begins. As happens every year, Congress will be forced to pass a series of continuing resolutions (CRs) that temporarily fund the federal government after the start of FY 25 on October 1. The outcome of the presidential and congressional elections may also affect scheduling especially if there is a change at the White House and control of the House and/or Senate. NCH will be issuing legislative alerts at the appropriate time urging legislators to support the higher funding levels in conference.

A chart showing the House and Senate numbers in comparison to the Biden administration’s FY 25 request and FY 24 funding levels can be accessed by clicking this link.

Here are the highlights from the FY 25 Senate and House appropriations bills:

National Archives and Records Administration (NARA)

NARA’s budget is included in the Financial Services and General Government appropriations bill.


  • FY 24—$427.25 million
  • Biden administration request FY 25—$456.3 million
  • House Appropriations FY 25—$427.25 million (no change from FY 24)
  • Senate Appropriations FY 25—$434.7 million (+$7.5 million [+2%] from FY 24)

National Historical Publications and Records Commission (NHPRC)

The NHPRC’s budget is included in the Financial Services and General Government appropriations bill.

  • FY 24—$10 million (grants)
  • FY 24 Congressionally Directed Spending—$38.4 million
  • FY 24 NHPRC total—$48.4 million
  • Biden administration FY 25 request grants—$5 million
  • House Appropriations FY 25 grants—$5 million (-$5 million [-50%] from FY 24)
  • Senate Appropriations FY 25 grants—$5 million (-$5 million [-50%] from FY 24)
  • Congressionally Directed Spending FY 25 (Senate only)—$15,181,000 million (-23.2 million [-60%] from FY 24)
  • Senate Appropriations FY 25 NHPRC total—$20,181,000 million (-$28.2 million [-59%] from FY 24)

Note: The House FY 25 bill does not include any Congressionally Directed Spending projects.

National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH) 

NEH’s budget is included in the Interior, Environment, and Related Agencies appropriations bill.

  • FY 24—$207 million
  • Biden administration request FY 25—$200 million
  • House Appropriations FY 25—$203.9 million (-$3.1 million [-1%] from FY 24)
  • Senate Appropriations FY 25—$209 million (+$2 million [+1%] from FY 24)

Institute of Museum and Library Services (IMLS)

The IMLS’s budget is included in the Labor, HHS, Education and Related Agencies appropriations bill.

  • FY 24—$294.8 million
  • Biden administration request FY 25—$280 million
  • House Appropriations FY 25—$249.5 million (-$45.3 million [-15%] from FY 24)
  • Senate Appropriations FY 25—$294.8 million (no change from FY 24)

Library of Congress

The Library’s budget is included in the Legislative Branch appropriations bill.

  • FY 24—$852 million
  • Biden administration request FY 25—$873 million
  • House Appropriations FY 25—$883.4 million (+$31.4 million [+4%] from FY 24)
  • Senate Appropriations FY 25—$879 million (+$27 million [+3%] from FY 24)

National Park Service

The National Park Service’s budget is included in the Interior, Environment, and Related Agencies appropriations bill.

Historic Preservation Fund

  • FY 24—$188.6 million
  • Biden administration request FY 25—$151.4 million
  • House Appropriations FY 25—$168.9 (-$19.7 million [-10%] from FY 24)
  • Senate Appropriations FY 25—$182.8 million (-$5.8 million [-3%] from FY 24)

National Recreation and Preservation Fund

  • FY 24—$91.2 million
  • Biden administration request FY 25—$84.4 million
  • House Appropriations FY 25—$89.5 million (-$1.7 million [-2%] from FY 24)
  • Senate Appropriations FY 25—$96.1 million (+$4.9 million [+5%] from FY 24)

Heritage Partnership Program

  • FY 24—$29.2 million
  • Biden administration request FY 25—$18.1 million
  • House Appropriations FY 25—$29.2 million (no change from FY 24)
  • Senate Appropriations FY 25—$30.6 million (+$1.4 million [+5%] from FY 24)

Save America’s Treasures Program

  • FY 24—$25.5 million
  • Biden administration request FY 25—$10 million
  • House Appropriations FY 25—$25.5 million (no change from FY 24)
  • Senate Appropriations FY 25—$26 million (+$500,000 [+2%] from FY 24)

American Battlefield Protection Program

  • FY 24—$20 million
  • Biden administration request FY 25—$20 million
  • House Appropriations FY 25—$20 million (no change from FY 24)
  • Senate Appropriations FY 25—$20 million (no change from FY 24)

US Semiquincentennial Commission

The Commission’s budget is included in the Interior, Environment, and Related Agencies appropriations bill.

  • FY 24—$15 million
  • Biden administration request FY 25—$100 million
  • House Appropriations FY 25—$15 million (no change from FY 24)
  • Senate Appropriations FY 25—$15.2 million (+$200,000 [+1.3%] from FY 24)

US Department of Education

The Education Department’s budget is included in the Labor, HHS, Education and Related Agencies appropriations bill.

US History and Civics Education Programs

  • FY 24—$23 million
  • Biden administration request FY 25—$23 million
  • House Appropriations FY 25—$3 million (-$20 million [-87%] from FY 24) Eliminates funding for American History and Civics grants program.
  • Senate Appropriations FY 25—$23 million (no change from FY 24)

Title VI/Fulbright Hays International Education Programs


  • FY 24—$85.6 million
  • Biden administration request FY 25—$81.5 million
  • House Appropriations FY 25—$81.5 million (-$4.1 million [-4.8%] from FY 24)
  • Senate Appropriations FY 25—$85.6 million (no change from FY 24)

Title VI (Domestic)

  • FY 24—$75.3 million
  • Biden administration request FY 25—$73.3 million
  • House Appropriations FY 25—$73.3 million (-$2 million [-2.75%] from FY 24)
  • Senate Appropriations FY 25—$75.3 million (no change from FY 24)

Fulbright-Hays (Overseas)

  • FY 24—$10.3 million
  • Biden administration request FY 25—$8.2 million
  • House Appropriations FY 25—$8.2 million (-$2.1 million [-20%] from FY 24)
  • Senate Appropriations FY 25—$10.3 million (no change from FY 24)

Smithsonian Institution

The Smithsonian’s budget is included in the Interior, Environment, and Related Agencies appropriations bill.

  • FY 24—$1.090 billion
  • Biden administration request FY 25—$1.160 billion
  • House Appropriations FY 25—$960 million (-$130 million [-12%] from FY 24)
  • Senate Appropriations FY 25—$1.110 billion (+$20 million [+2%] from FY 24)

Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars

The Wilson Center’s budget is included in the Interior, Environment, and Related Agencies appropriations bill.

  • FY 24—$15 million
  • Biden administration request FY 25—$14 million
  • House Appropriations FY 25—$12 million (-$3 million [-20%] from FY 24)
  • Senate Appropriations FY 25—$15 million (no change from FY 24)