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Riding a Penny Farthing Bike: Tips for Success


You know the old expression “it’s like riding a bike”? That refers to things that implicate rote nature or muscle memory, as in “once you learn how to ride a bike you never forget how.”

Whoever coined that phrase must not have been talking about penny farthing bikes - you know, the old timey bikes with a huge front tire and a small rear wheel? Those are the ones.

They present decidedly different challenges from learning to ride a bike with a chain drive. Heck, even getting on one is much, much harder than getting in the saddle of a “regular” bike.

So, we tapped our odd bike experts for some helpful tips for those learning how to ride. Here they are.

How to Mount a Penny Farthing Bike

Getting in the saddle of your penny farthing bike is going to be a bit harder than getting in a normal bike, though it might be a little easier than mounting a unicycle. At least you have that going for you.

You’ll need space in front of the penny so you can get a pushing start. One of the most important things to remember is that you have rear pegs - they’re there for a reason. If you are right-handed (and therefore right-footed), start with your left foot on the lower, far side peg.

With that foot on the lower far side peg, push the penny farthing bike to get it moving, then get your other foot on the other rear peg. Climb to the next set of pegs and get in the saddle.

Do not touch the pedals until you are sitting in the saddle. If you try to touch the pedals before you are in the saddle, you will probably lose balance or control and experience what we affectionately refer to as an unplanned dismount.

Once your feet are on the pedals - you’ve done it - you’ve just mounted this odd bike. Pat yourself on the back, you’re under way.

Assisted Mount of a Penny Farthing

Now let’s talk about an assisted mount of a penny farthing bike since these are fairly odd machines, after all.

Suppose you’re lucky enough to have a helping hand. That assistant can help you get safely into the saddle of your penny farthing bike.

The idea is to have your assistant stabilize the penny farthing while you get into the saddle. Here’s how it’s done.

Have your assistant stand on one side of the penny with one hand on the frame of the bike behind the front wheel, and the other on the handlebar on that side. For you, you’ll need to stand at the rear of the bike, facing it, with one foot on either side of the rear wheel.

Then, you’ll place one foot on one of the rear pegs, and reach forward with both hands to grip the handlebars. With your hands on the handlebars and one foot on the rear peg, get your second foot up on the lower peg.

Have your helper remove his or her hand from the frame, and you sit in the saddle, with your legs still on the rear pegs.


Then you’ll have your helper put his or her hand back on the frame, and you can put your feet on the pedals.

In this configuration, you can actually have your helper serve as a set of “training wheels” so that you can get comfortable riding.

Turning in Tight Spaces


Turning in tight spaces is also a challenge with these odd bikes because if you turn sharply, the wheel will swing out away from the frame, hitting you in the leg and knocking your foot off the pedal.

When making a sharp turn with a penny, remove your foot from the pedal on the side away from which you are turning, and raise your leg. This will give the wheel clearance to swing out and away from the turn.

Once you’ve completed the turn, you can return your off-side foot to the pedal and resume your way.

Penny Farthing Braking Techniques

Braking with a penny farthing bicycle also produces unique challenges, for two primary reasons. The first is that if you brake sharply, you’re going to take a header, which means you’ll get pitched headlong right over the handlebars. Suffice it to say you do not want this to happen.

The other is that the brakes of most penny farthings are connected to the small wheel - the rear one. If you brake hard and are fortunate enough not to take a header, your rear wheel will simply skid.

The first and most effective thing you can do is use the cranks themselves for their braking potential. Apply back pressure on the cranks to slow the front wheel in its rotation and this will help arrest the speed of the bike.

If you are going to apply the brake, an excellent technique is to remove your feet from the pedals and place them on the rear pegs. This shifts the center of gravity from the front wheel to the rear wheel and presses the rear wheel into the ground. Don’t be too aggressive with the brake or the rear wheel will skid, which will create flat spots on the rear tire and will result in accelerated wear.

This method is likely the most effective and the safest way to apply brakes when riding a penny farthing.

Lastly, the best advice is simply to allow yourself plenty of room to come to a stop. This alone is the best advice we have when it comes to slowing down one of these odd bikes.


Still Have Questions About These Odd Bikes?

There you have some of our best tips and techniques for mounting, turning, and braking on a penny farthing. If you still have questions about these or our other odd bikes, like our clown bikes or minibike, don’t hesitate to reach out to us.

We would be more than happy to help you get started. Take a look through our collection of odd bikes today and contact us if you need help.