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Pro-Life Groups Fight Hard to Stop Florida Amendment for Abortions Up to Birth


Another Florida political action group recently joined the fight to stop an initiative heading to the November ballot that would establish a “constitutional right” to abortion for any reason before fetal viability, which is before roughly 24 weeks of pregnancy.

The Florida Phoenix reported that Life First Political Committee is the third political action committee that has begun campaigning to stop the ballot initiative known in the state as Amendment 4. The measure is also opposed by Republican Gov. Ron DeSantis.

Life First PC denounced Amendment 4 as too extreme and urged voters to oppose the measure.

“Here in Florida, voters elected government officials to uphold our basic right to life,” Life First PC chair Eric Robinson told the Florida Phoenix. “Now, abortion extremist groups want to strip that away by changing our state constitution to allow for later term abortions.”

According to a summary of Amendment 4, it would prohibit the government from making laws that “prohibit, penalize, delay, or restrict abortion before viability or when necessary to protect the patient’s health, as determined by the patient’s healthcare provider.”

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The summary states that it would still be required for parents to be notified before their minor daughter has an abortion, but another political action group, Do No Harm Florida, pointed out that notification does not equal parental consent.

On its website, Life First PC called for immediate action against the initiative and highlighted more issues with the measure’s language.

“Amendment 4 would expand the scope of medical professionals authorized to refer women for abortions beyond licensed abortionists and women’s health professionals,” the website reads. “This expansion raises concerns regarding the quality of care and expertise involved in such referrals, potentially compromising the safety and well-being of women seeking abortion services.”

Life First PC also added that Amendment 4 would compromise “women’s health, parental rights, and the protection of unborn life in Florida.”

According to the Florida Phoenix, the measure needs 60% approval to become law. Current polling from the University of North Florida Public Opinion Research Lab finds that the amendment has 69% support, with only 23% opposing it.

However, Life First PC remained hopeful of a victory despite the current statistics.

“This amendment is extreme, and Life First is dedicated to stopping it,” Robinson told the Florida Phoenix. “We are aware of recent polling, but it is our belief that once voters hear from Life First Political Committee, the majority of voters will see just how dangerous amendment 4 is and will side with life.”

LifeNews Note: Hannah Hiester writes for CatholicVote, where this column originally appeared.

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