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Orphan Black: Echoes Season 1 Episode 7 Review: The Dog’s Honest Truth

Once again, the writers have stepped up to bat and knocked another episode of Orphan Black: Echoes out of the park. …

The post Orphan Black: Echoes Season 1 Episode 7 Review: The Dog’s Honest Truth appeared first on TV Fanatic.

Once again, the writers have stepped up to bat and knocked another episode of Orphan Black: Echoes out of the park.

Coming from a beloved Canadian series turned cult classic, the stakes for this spinoff to succeed were always high.

Considering its certified fresh rating, we’d say Orphan Black: Echoes has been very successful.

(Sophie Giraud/AMC)

With a cast of immensely talented actors, this series continues to make its mark as science fiction thriller gold.

The story has managed to separate itself from its origin source enough to feel like its own fresh beginning.

Sadly, Orphan Black: Echoes has not garnered much favorability with fans of the original series.

Related: Orphan Black: Echoes Season 1 Episode 1 Review: A Beautiful Bird in a Cage

Orphan Black: Echoes Paves A Path Into The Future For The Betterment Of Audiences

At TV Fanatic, we completely understand loyalty to previously aired shows that we still hold dear.

Many networks think they can reboot an entire show and that fans of the original will flock to it.

(Sophie Giraud/AMC)

If shows like Charmed, Charlie’s Angels, or Melrose Place have taught us anything, brand new doesn’t always mean all better.

However, Orphan Black: Echoes isn’t a reboot.

The show continues the previous series, with some original characters making appearances.

The change in setting, bigger budget, and less familiar storyline are likely upsetting many fans of the original.

Many viewers thought Orphan Black: Echoes would be a prequel to Orphan Black.

However, despite what audiences may feel, AMC did the right thing by moving the story into the future.

(Sophie Giraud/AMC)

While a prequel series would have been an excellent way to introduce the franchise, it still would have posed the same issues.

There would have still been a change in setting, a bigger budget, and a less familiar storyline with even fewer franchise faces.

By taking the Orphan Black story into the future with new characters, new viewers can enter the series with a seed of interest.

Related: Orphan Black: Echoes Season 1 Episode 2 Review: Jules

Slowly ingratiating audiences into the story can help them develop a fondness for the original show, even if they’ve never seen it.

Orphan Black: Echoes creates an interest in going back to the beginning and, in doing so, creates continuity for new fans to enjoy.

Change can be scary, but time has shown that not loving something now doesn’t mean it won’t be a hit or even a cult classic down the road.

(Sophie Giraud/AMC)

As I said, we at TV Fanatic get it because some of us won’t watch Orphan Black: Echoes out of loyalty.

But if you love Orphan Black, wouldn’t you want as many people as possible to love it as well?

With enough people, the franchise could grow to feature film-level heights.

Think it over and get back to me.

Don’t Discount Kira Yet, Even If She Is The Cause Of The Chaos

Now, let’s get to Kira’s continued chaos because Orphan Black: Echoes Season 1 Episode 7 was a doozy.

(Sophie Giraud/AMC)

First of all, I called it in my review of the previous episode.

Kira could not sustain Eleanor’s print-out status without her finding out.

What’s funny is that I also hypothesized Eleanor meeting her younger self, but I was referring to Jules then.

Related: Orphan Black: Echoes Season 1 Episode 3 Review: Pegasus Girl

Close enough, though, because Kira walking in to see Lucy and Eleanor was gasp-worthy.

The tension skyrocketed the moment the realization hit Kira’s face.

I don’t know about you all, but my eyes were ready to jump out of my head.

(Sophie Giraud/AMC)

It was like time slowed down for a second, putting the viewer right into Kira’s mindset.

My first thought was, “Oh, Kira is all kinds of screwed.”

And the craziest part is that it’s very easy to understand what Kira was thinking while bringing her wife back to life.

Her wife is portrayed by the fantastic Rya Kihlstedt (Heroes Reborn), so we get it.

Kira was hurting, and because she had not told Lucas about Eleanor’s Alzheimer’s, she was all alone.

Still, her actions were selfish, and through them, three lives are now at risk.

(Sophie Giraud/AMC)

Personally, I am a fan of Kira, but she’s right that everything she went through made her a different person.

Now, she needs to find her way back.

The Print-out Posse Is Taking Back Their Freedom

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However, if there is one character who will not go back to the way things were, it’s Lucy.

Krysten Ritter’s main character has been increasingly absent since Orphan Black: Echoes Season 1 Episode 5.

However, she is back in action and ready to get down to business.

(Sophie Giraud/AMC)

Still, it begs the question, what about Jack and Charlie?

It seems like they were introduced to explain what Lucy had been up to for two years.

Now, the characters are barely ever seen.

At the very least, it would be nice to know if Charlie worked through her trauma of shooting a man.

The only way for the writers to keep Jack in Lucy’s life is if he serves a purpose.

And I’m not talking about filling a romantic void, either.

(Sophie Giraud/AMC)

At this point in the story, there is no time for longing looks while holding hands.

Just ask Kira if you don’t believe me.

No, because Krysten Ritter is fully embracing her Jessica Jones past.

Related: Orphan Black: Echoes Season 1 Episode 4 Review: It’s All Coming Back

That scene with Pam and the gun was Lucy’s “I’ve had enough” moment.

So, Paul Darros better buckle up because the “Print-out Posse” is taking back their freedom.

Darros Is Like A Dog With A Bone, Or An Ear If You’re Tom

(Sophie Giraud/AMC)

Speaking of the cringiest villain at AMC, Darros has fulfilled his role as the billionaire with mysterious motives.

Now, it’s time to get down to the nitty-gritty and answer some questions.

Why was Lucy printed?

Is she part of some print-out program to create a team of the world’s science prodigies?

Is she meant to mate with one of Paul’s clones?

Because you know the guy probably has multiple backups on retainer.

(Sophie Giraud/AMC)

Darros is still far too ambiguous of a villain and comes off as more annoying than sinister.

Whatever the man is up to, at least audiences got one special treat from “The Dog’s Honest Truth.”

Lucy and Eleanor nailed Tom with that truck!

Related: Orphan Black: Echoes Season 1 Episode 5 Review: Do I Know You?

Holy crap, they messed him up so bad.

His freaking ear fell off, and then the dog ate it!

(Sophie Giraud/AMC)

Every dog has his day.

But with Kira’s organ printing company, he’ll be fine with a new ear by lunch.

Just in time to see the print-outs put their plan into action.

As Jules said, they’re done running.

(Sophie Giraud/AMC)

But fans won’t be going anywhere because we plan to catch every epic moment in this Krysten Ritter-led series!

Were you as shocked as I was by the opening of the episode?

Related: Orphan Black: Echoes Season 1 Episode 6: Unless You Trusted Someone

What do you think Lucy, Jules, and Eleanor will do about Paul Darros?

Drop a comment below to let us know, and join me again when I review the next episode of Orphan Black: Echoes!

The post Orphan Black: Echoes Season 1 Episode 7 Review: The Dog’s Honest Truth appeared first on TV Fanatic.