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in:GuidesEnglishPortuguêsРусский< BroodmotherSign in to editHistoryTalk (0)HeroStrategyEquipmentGearTalentsRelicsResponsesSoundsAnimationsLoreOld AbilitiesChangelogsKnown BugsContents1 Gameplay1.1 Pusher2 Ability Builds3 Talents4.1 General4.2 Abilities4.2.1 Spawn Spiderlings4.2.2 Spin Web4.2.3 Silken Bola4.2.4 Insatiable Hunger5 ItemsGameplay[]Playstyle Broodmother is a fast-tempo, pushing hero capable of dominating a portion of the map through her ability to produce an everlasting supply of summonable units, along with Spin Web which grants her and her brood: health regeneration, increased movement speed, and unobstructed pathing while on her webs. Spawn Spiderlings is a ranged nuke that will release a number of spiderlings if the enemy is killed shortly after. This allows Broodmother to amass dozens of spiderlings, letting Broodmother fight and farm faster than most heroes. Coupled with her ultimate: Insatiable Hunger, Broodmother is incredibly potent in one-on-one engagements. Brood...