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ABC Exposes Kamala Harris’s J6 Achilles Heel


The headline of an August 1 ABC News story by Mike Levine provides the message editors hope the readers would take away: “New DHS watchdog report details how close Kamala Harris came to ‘viable’ pipe bomb on Jan. 6.”

My suspicion is that she stumbled into a plot by her own allies to create chaos and was told in no uncertain terms to keep her mouth shut.

Levine and his editors flirt here with exposing Harris’s Achilles heel — her whereabouts during the afternoon of January 6. Having satisfied themselves long ago with their own propaganda, they likely do not know the peril to which they have exposed Harris. This seemingly helpful “news” story has more potential of blowing up in her face than the alleged pipe bomb ever did.

Apparently, ABC News obtained a copy of a new report from the Department of Homeland Security’s inspector general’s office. The report purports to provide “an official and detailed account of how Kamala Harris, then the incoming vice president, ended up within feet of a ‘viable’ pipe bomb that had been planted in the bushes right outside the Democratic National Committee’s headquarters.”

The report, which was shared with members of Congress on Thursday, describes how two Secret Service teams assigned to sweep the DNC where Harris was visiting on the afternoon of January 6 somehow missed a pipe bomb allegedly planted outside the building the night before. As a result, Harris’s armored vehicle came within 20 feet of the bomb.

The ostensible thrust of the article is to review Secret Service practices in the wake of the agency’s failures at the Trump rally in Butler, PA, last month. The editors’ larger purpose, however, is to rehash the half-truths they have been telling about January 6 ever since that fateful day.

According to the report, the Secret Service anticipated that the “Save America” rally on the Ellipse would be like the two previous post-election Trump rallies in Washington. At those rallies, the minimal violence was, writes Levine,  “limited to clashes between opposing protesters.”

In reality, at both events, Trump supporters were  attacked by Antifa and BLM agitators. This explains why the Secret Service confiscated numerous knives and bottles of pepper spray at the rally. Unable to carry guns in DC, protestors brought lesser weapons for self-defense.

The sentence that follows the weapons revelation is pure deception: “At 2:13 p.m., a little more than an hour after Trump finished his speech at the rally, rioters breached the Capitol building.”

What Levine fails to note, however, is that the Ellipse is roughly a 45-minute walk from the Capitol. He also neglects to mention that the ubiquitous Ray Epps and his crew breached the Capitol perimeter at 12:53. They did not hear Trump speak. At 1:06 p.m. the undertrained Capitol Police began promiscuously lobbing tear gas and flash bangs into the still peaceful crowd mustered on the west side of the Capitol. It is likely that none of these people heard Trump speak.

At 1:06 p.m. Trump had yet to make the closing remarks that were alleged to have incited the crowd. The building may have been breached at 2:13, but Ashli Babbitt, who stayed to the end of Trump’s speech, did not reach the Capitol until 2:23.

We know Babbitt’s timeline because she was shot and killed twenty minutes later, one of four protestors to die that day, three as a result of police action. No police died that day or died as a result of injuries sustained that day. The worst injury any officer sustained was a concussion. All reports to the contrary are flat-out lies.

The bomb at the DNC was found minutes after 1:00 p.m. Lots of suspicious things happened in and around that time. Just before 1:00 p.m. Epps and crew breached the Capitol perimeter. Just about 1:00 p.m. a still unidentified man hung a noose on a scaffold that stood unmolested for hours. Just about that time a still unidentified man atop the Capitol scaffolding urged people to “keep moving forward.” Minutes before 1:00 p.m. a bomb planted by a still unidentified bomber was found near the RNC, which prompted the search at the DNC.

About 20 minutes after 1:00 p.m. the Secret Service evacuated Harris from the DNC to a still unidentified location. We do not know where she went, but we know where she did not go, the U.S. Capitol. Herein lies the problem for Harris.

As a Secret Service “protectee,” Harris enjoyed a special status. To have breached the “restricted” area where Harris was visiting, as scores of protestors were accused of doing, strengthened the case against them.

Then UCLA student Christian Secor was one protestor out of many who was affected by Harris’s deception. On March 19, 2021, the Department of Justice argued to extend Secor’s pre-trial detention based in no small part on the fact that he threatened Harris’s space. Secor would eventually be sentenced to three years in prison for non-violent offenses.

When Vice-President Mike Pence initiated the joint session at 1:00 p.m. to certify votes, the DOJ claimed, “Vice-President-Elect Kamala D. Harris, in her role as a Senator representing the State of California, was also present.” The DOJ further claimed that Harris “remained within the Capitol building” all the time leading up to resumption of the certification process at 8:00 p.m.

Where Was Kamala Harris?

Not until November 4, 2021, did Politico reveal that Harris was not in the Capitol or on the Capitol grounds on January 6 at any time during the riot. Her silence on this issue, reported Politico, impacted “many of the 650-plus defendants” arrested to that point.

“DOJ is now moving to correct the record,” added Politico, “acknowledging in court that Harris was in fact away from the Capitol during the riot and only returned later.”

To this point, Harris has never spoken about her proximity to the pipe bomb despite the dramatic potential of such a revelation. My suspicion is that she stumbled into a plot by her own allies to create chaos and was told in no uncertain terms to keep her mouth shut, even if it meant putting innocent people in jail. If there is a better explanation, I’m all ears.

Jack Cashill’s new book, Ashli: The Untold Story of the Women of January 6, is available in all formats.

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The post ABC Exposes Kamala Harris’s J6 Achilles Heel appeared first on The American Spectator | USA News and Politics.