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6 Surprising Signs You Need to Drink More Water

Thirst isn’t a foolproof sign of dehydration. Your age, the weather and the activity you’re involved in can all interfere with your thirst response. But losing just 1.5 percent of your total water weight is considered “mild dehydration,” and can lead to fainting, accidents, injuries and more. So how else can you tell when it’s time to drink up?We askedSamuel Nickles, MDa surgeon atSummerville Medical CenterandPalmetto Adult and Children’s Urology in Charleston, South Carolina about dehydration red flags other than thirst.Grab a cool glass of H2Oif you experience any of these surprising signs.Brain Fog and ExhaustionNot on your A-game today? Even slight dehydration could be to blame; it can reduce concentration,cause fatigue, worsen mood and lead to headaches, according to a study fromthe Journal of Nutrition.The risks of severe fluid loss are well known, but researchers were curious about the mild dehydration you might experience in daily life. How risky is itreallyif you skip a few gl...