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Elden Ring Godfrey and Hoarah Loux boss fight guide

Update: Elden Ring has undergone quite a few patches since its launch, so we've update this Elden Ring Godfrey and Hoarah Loux boss fight guide to reflect that. We've streamlined information and added some additional tips to help you beat this particularly troublesome boss.Congratulations, you’ve almost made it to the end of Elden Ring. The fight you’re about to have is the penultimate, meaning you’re just two steps away from completing your quest. Godfrey has returned to face you in person, and he’s the last obstacle standing between you and breaching the impenetrable thorns, now that you have burned down the Erdtree. If you made it this far, you’ll know that this isn’t your first dance with Godfrey. The previous Golden Shade version of this boss is one you’ve already fought, and you may have even thought it was a little too easy. Well, the good and bad news is that the real Godfrey is here, and though this fight is going to be harder, it’s not actually among the most difficult in the...