News in English

4. Jesus Feeds 5,000 People (Matthew 14:13-21; Mark 6:30-44; Luke 9:10-17; John 6:1-15)

LessonPPT TITLEMain Point: All things are possible with God.Key Verse:All things are possible with God. - Mark 10:27bProps: 5 loaves of bread (or rolls); 2 fish; 12 baskets (Optional: bread for each child; The Gospel of John DVD)BackgroundSay: The last time I took a trip, I took... (give list - you can make it outlandish if you want). When you go on a trip, what do you take? Listen for answers. After Jesus called His disciples and they chose to follow Him, they traveled all over the area together. Jesus told His disciples not to take anything as they traveled! Why do you think that is? He wanted them to trust God to provide all of their needs.The disciples saw Jesus heal people and heard His teachings. They heard Jesus proclaim that the kingdom of God had come. As proof that Jesus had authority to tell others about God and His kingdom, Jesus performed many miracles. He healed people of terrible diseases and injuries. He made blind people see and made crippled people walk.After some tim...